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The timber and trade statistics are produced with the assistance and advice of Expert Group on Timber & Trade Statistics. 

Related releases

National Forest Inventory 

Standing timber volume figures for coniferous trees in Great Britain, as well as provisional figures for broadleaved trees, have been published using data from the National Forest Inventory (NFI). More information can be found on the National Forest Inventory pages. 

Data from the NFI was used to produce forecasts of the potential timber volume arising from future felling and thinning operations. 

Roundwood Imports and Exports

The Forestry Commission, in association with the Expert Group on Timber & Trade Statistics, commissioned  

For many years, the provision of data by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) on UK imports and exports of roundwood was at variance to the expectations of industry practitioners. 

In 2011, the Forestry Commission, in association with the Expert Group on Timber & Trade Statistics, commissioned a one-off study by the external consultants Timbertrends to investigate data on roundwood imports and exports. The study was completed in 2012. 

An Investigation into Roundwood Imports and Exports [PDF, 226KB]


Timbertrends, on behalf of the Timber Trade Federation and funded by the Department for International Development, has produced in 2008 a report on UK Timber Industry Certification. The report provides estimates of the quantity of certified softwood roundwood, sawn timber and panel products in the UK in 2008 and includes a comparison with the results from previous reports (for 2005) and an indication of the outlook for 2009. 

UK Timber Industry Certification [PDF, 2.8MB]

The previous reports on “Measuring Certification” were produced by Timbertrends for the Forestry Commission, Timber Trade Federation, Confederation of Forest Industries, the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification™ and Sustainable Forestry Initiative. The reports, presenting estimates of the quantity of certified timber consumption and production in the UK in 2005, are separated by sector. 

Summary: All Sector Report 

UK Timber Harvesting 

UK Sawmilling

UK Panel Production 

Technical note: Harvesting, Sawmilling and Panel Production Sector 

Technical note: Timber Importing and Trading º

Timber Utilisation Statistics 

The Forestry Commission, in association with the Expert Group on Timber & Trade Statistics, commissioned a series of studies on the utilisation of sawn softwood – imported and UK produced – by main market. 

The reports assess the availability of data on timber utilisation and provide estimates of consumption of sawn softwood by main market: namely, construction, pallets & packaging, fencing and outdoor uses and other markets. As these reports comprise secondary analysis of statistical data, they are not considered to be Official Statistics. 

Timber Utilisation Statistics 2015 

Timber Utilisation Statistics 2013 

Timber Utilisation Statistics 2012Short report 

Timber Utilisation Statistics 2011Full report 

Timber Utilisation Statistics 2010 & 2011 estimates Full report 

Timber Utilisation Statistics 2010Sawn softwood tables and charts only 

Improved Timber Utilisation Statistics 2009Sawn softwood tables and charts only 

Improved Timber Utilisation Statistics 2008 & Initial Data 2009Sawn softwood tables and charts only 

Improved Timber Utilisation Statistics 2007Sawn softwood tables and charts only 

Improved Timber Utilisation Statistics 2006 Sawn softwood tables and charts only 

Improved Timber Utilisation Statistics 2005 

Improved Timber Utilisation Statistics 2004  

Wood Packaging and Pallets 

The Wood Packaging Study is a report, commissioned by the Forestry Commission and Timcon, to provide estimates for the manufacture, recycling and re-use of wood packaging in the UK.  

For the latest reports see TIMCON – The Timber Packaging and Pallet Confederation. 

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