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UK Wood Production and Trade

Statistics on UK wood production and trade are released twice a year:

The most recent statistics are available in UK Wood Production and Trade: provisional figures for 2023.

Timber Price Indices

Statistics on timber prices are also released twice a year:

  • Data to March are released in May;
  • Data to September are released in November.

The most recent statistics are available in Timber Price Indices: Data to March 2024.

Timber Utilisation Statistics

The Forestry Commission, in association with the Expert Group on Timber & Trade Statistics, have commissioned a series of studies on the utilisation of sawn softwood – imported and UK produced – by main market.

A second series of reports, commissioned by the Forestry Commission and Timcon, provide estimates for the manufacture, recycling and re-use of wood packaging in the UK.

Roundwood Imports and Exports

The Forestry Commission, in association with the Expert Group on Timber & Trade Statistics, commissioned a one-off study to investigate data on roundwood imports and exports. The study was completed in 2012.


Two sets of reports on UK Timber Industry Certification have been produced for a range of organisations. The first series of reports provided estimates of the quantity of certified timber consumption and production in the UK in 2005. A follow-up report provided estimates for 2008 and an indication of the outlook for 2009.

National Forest Inventory

Standing timber volume figures for coniferous trees in Great Britain, as well as provisional figures for broadleaved trees, have been published using data from the National Forest Inventory (NFI). More information can be found on the National Forest Inventory pages.

Data from the NFI was used to produce forecasts of the potential timber volume arising from future felling and thinning operations.

Further information

The statistics on timber and trade are also used to compile the UK’s Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire (JFSQ) and UNECE Timber Forecast Questionnaire (TF) returns for international organisations.

These timber and trade statistics are produced with the assistance and advice of the Expert Group on Timber and Trade Statistics.

The timber and trade statistics include some data on woodfuel. More information can be found on our woodfuel page.

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