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Longer time series data is available to download in ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet) format, for the following topics:

Woodland statistics

The data are broken down by:

  • England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Great Britain;
  • New planting, restocking and total planting;
  • Conifers and broadleaves;
  • Forestry England/Forestry and Land Scotland/Natural Resources Wales/Forest Service (FE/FLS/NRW/FS) and private sector.

Woodland area, UK, 1998 to 2024

Certified woodland area, UK, 2004 to 2024

New planting and restocking, UK, 1971 to 2024

Woodland Carbon Code projects, UK, 2011 to 2024

Timber statistics

Longer time series data to 2023 (provisional) are available in ODS (Open Document Spreadsheet) formats as follows:

Wood production (roundwood removals)

The data are broken down by:

  • England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, GB and UK;
  • Softwood and hardwood;
  • Forestry England/Forestry and Land Scotland/Natural Resources Wales/Forest Service (FE/FLS/NRW/FS) and private sector.

UK roundwood deliveries

The data cover softwood deliveries and hardwood deliveries.

UK sawmills

The data cover number of mills, consumption of softwood and production of sawn softwood and are broken down by:

  • England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and UK;
  • Size of mill;
  • In addition, time series data by region are available for sawmills in England.

UK round fencing manufacturers

The data cover number of manufacturers and softwood consumption and are broken down by:

  • England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and UK;
  • Size of mill;
  • Source of softwood (UK grown/Imported).

Timber price indices

Longer time series for periods ending March 1985 to March 2023 are available as follows:

Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index for overlapping 12-month periods: ODS. The data also give underlying figures for volumes, total prices and average prices by average tree size in Great Britain.

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