The statistics presented in the Environment chapter of this release cover:
Woodland fires
Wildfires, including woodland fires, are uncontrolled vegetation fires. Although they can start naturally, the majority are caused by people, either accidentally or deliberately.
Wildfires can impact on transport network and power lines; damage property and businesses; affect tourism and recreation; and threaten people’s lives. They also damage the natural and historic environment and release carbon dioxide stored in vegetation and soils which contributes to climate change.
Despite woodland wildfires making up a relatively small proportion of all wildfire incidents in the UK, their impacts can be disproportionately large and costly to society. Destructive wildfire events are predicted to increase in frequency in the UK due to increased land-use pressure and climate change.
Data sources and methodology
Populations of wild birds
Population indices for wild birds are a framework indicator for sustainable development. The data published here are based on those published in the Wild bird populations in the UK, 1970-2015 statistical release (Defra, revised June 2017), rescaled here to give year 2000 = 100 instead of year 1970 = 100.
The index for woodland specialists was recalculated in 2007 to include 4 additional species; this affected the indices for total woodland birds and (to a lesser extent) all birds. A further change in 2015 resulted in the removal of one woodland specialist species from the index.
Public opinion on tree health
Public Opinion of Forestry Surveys have been run every 2 years by the Forestry Commission. The surveys cover public attitudes to forestry and forestry-related issues. A question asking about tree health was included for the first time in the 2013 surveys (Figure 5.2). Further information on the surveys is available in the Sources: Public Opinion of Forestry page.
Woodland fires
Information about wildfires comes from the Incident Recording System (IRS), reported by Fire and Rescue Services and submitted to the Home Office (previously to the Department for Communities and Local Government), Scottish Government and Welsh Government.
Information on woodland areas has been obtained from the National Forest Inventory woodland map. Further details on the definition of woodland and the coverage of the National Forest Inventory are provided in the Woodland Area and Planting section of the Sources chapter.
A spatial (GIS) analysis has been undertaken to identify fires that occurred in woodlands, as defined by the National Forest Inventory.
The statistics on woodland fires in this release have not been updated from “Forestry Statistics 2016”.
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (2017) “Wild bird populations in the UK, 1970-2015”, National Statistics Release (
Home Office “Fire Statistics data tables” (
Limited data are currently available on the environmental aspects of woodlands. Other than Wild Bird Populations, all of the statistics in this chapter are outside the scope of National Statistics, but are included here to give a broad indication of the woodland environment.
Statistics on the environment obtained from others are subject to revision whenever the source data are revised.
The Forestry Commission’s revisions policy sets out how revisions and errors to these statistics are dealt with, and can be found at: FCrevisions.pdf.
Release schedule
For information on the release schedules of statistics produced by others, see relevant websites (above).
The next Public Opinion of Forestry survey is expected to run in early 2019, with results available in summer 2019.
“Forestry Statistics 2018” and “Forestry Facts & Figures 2018” will be released on 27 September 2018.