Woodfuel and pellets
Data on woodfuel have been obtained from the following sources:
Estimates of the quantity of recycled wood used for woodfuel are produced by the Wood Recyclers’ Association (woodrecyclers.org).
Data on UK pellet production and feedstock are obtained from the survey of UK pellet and briquette production.
For details on roundwood deliveries for woodfuel, see the Sources: other deliveries page.
Figures are published as UK totals.
Data collected
The sawmill survey and survey of round fencing manufacturers included questions asking for the quantity of woodfuel:
All 3 questions have been included in the detailed sawmill survey (sent to larger sawmills annually) for some time. The sawmill survey (for smaller mills) was extended in the 2006 survey to cover quantities sold to bioenergy and again in the 2008 survey to cover firewood sales and use for heat/energy. All three questions were included in the round fencing survey for the first time in 2008.
The survey of UK pellet and briquette production was run for the first time for the collection of 2009 data. The questionnaire asks for data on the total quantity of pellets and briquettes produced, the source of fibres used, the origin of wood used and product markets.
More information on the survey of UK pellet and briquette production, including copies of the questionnaires sent to businesses in recent years, can be found at Surveys – Forest Research
Response rates
Response rates for the sawmill survey and survey of round fencing manufacturers are available on the relevant sources pages.
The 2016 survey of UK pellet and briquette production was sent to a total of 18 companies that were believed to manufacture pellets or briquettes. A total of 5 responded, giving a response rate of 28%. The respondents to the survey are estimated to account for around 68% of the total production of pellets and briquettes in the UK in 2016.
Whilst the low response rates to this survey are of some concern, it is believed that many of the non-respondents are not (currently) producing pellets or briquettes. This is reflected in the much higher weighted response rates and the figures produced are believed to give a reasonable estimate of the true level of UK pellet production.
Survey of UK Pellet & Briquette Production Response Rates, 2010-2017
Year | Forms issued | Response received | Response rate1 | Weighted Response rate2 |
2010 | 27 | 12 | 44% | 95% |
2011 | 22 | 10 | 45% | 92% |
2012 | 21 | 5 | 24% | 75% |
2013 | 18 | 8 | 44% | 91% |
2014 | 18 | 6 | 33% | 91% |
2015 | 18 | 5 | 28% | 45% |
2016 | 18 | 5 | 28% | 68% |
2017 | 17 | 4 | 24% | 56% |
1. Response rates are calculated as the number of responses received divided by the number of forms issued.
2. Weighted response rates are an estimate of the proportion of total UK pellet and briquette production that is accounted for by respondents.
Details of the methodology used for the sawmill survey and survey of round fencing manufacturers are available on the relevant sources pages.
For the survey of UK pellet and briquette production, estimates were made for non respondents using results from previous surveys (including the 2008 woodfuel suppliers survey) and expert advice.
Detailed information on the pellet survey quality is available in the “Quality Report: Survey of UK Pellet & Briquette Production”, available at www.forestresearch.gov.uk/tools-and-resources/statistics/about-our-statistics/code-of-practice/quality-of-official-statistics/.
Further quality information on FC Official Statistics is available at: www.forestresearch.gov.uk/tools-and-resources/statistics/about-our-statistics/code-of-practice/quality-of-official-statistics/.
All figures are subject to revision annually, as new information becomes available.
Figures for 2017 are final; provisional figures were previously released in “UK Wood Production and Trade: 2017 provisional figures”. Figures for 2017 have been revised from those provided in “UK Wood Production and Trade: 2017 provisional figures” to take account of additional returns and quality assurance checks. This has resulted in an upward revision of 2% to total wood pellet production in 2017.
Further information
Figures for Woodfuel Demand and Usage in Scotland, covering actual and potential use of woodfuel in the commercial, industrial and electrical energy sectors, are produced annually by Forestry Commission Scotland and available at https://www.forestry.gov.scot/forestry-business/woodfuel-and-bio-energy.
The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (previously the Department of Energy and Climate Change) publishes an annual Digest of UK Energy Statistics (www.gov.uk/government/collections/digest-of-uk-energy-statistics-dukes). Chapter 7 of this digest covers renewable sources of energy including wood. Figures for wood use in renewable energy statistics take into account wood from all sources (including processed wood, recycled wood and imports), not just UK-grown roundwood.
Release schedule
Provisional figures for 2018 will be released on 16 May 2019 in “UK Wood Production and Trade: 2018 provisional figures”.
Final figures for 2018 will be released on 26 September 2019 in “Forestry Statistics 2019” and “Forestry Facts & Figures 2019”.
Chapter 2: UK-Grown Timber