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A total of 169 sawmills processed UK roundwood in 2016 (Table 2.8). Most mills (83%) produced less than 25 thousand m3 sawnwood (softwood and hardwood) during the year.

Over the past ten years, the number of active sawmills has reduced by 18%. Most of this decrease has occurred in the smallest size categories.

Year Size of mill (total production)1       Total
< 1 1 – <5 5 – <10 10 – <25 25 – <50 50 – <100 100+
2007 82 54 17 20 12 12 8 205
2008 76 54 17 20 11 12 7 197
2009 79 50 14 23 10 11 8 195
2010 73 52 13 24 8 10 9 189
2011 70 51 13 23 9 7 12 185
2012 69 49 14 19 11 8 11 181
2013 67 46 14 17 13 6 13 176
2014 69 41 14 17 13 8 12 174
2015 66 42 16 17 12 6 12 171
2016 62 42 16 20 6 10 13 169

Source: Sawmill Survey


1. Categories are based on total sawnwood production (softwood and hardwood), in thousand m3.

Data: Longer time series of the above table are available from the Data Downloads web page.

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