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Public Opinion of Forestry surveys – woodland visitors by age group

In the UK 2017 Public Opinion of Forestry survey, around two thirds (68%) of respondents aged 35 to 54 said that they had visited woodland in the last few years for walks, picnics or other recreation (Table 6.6). This compares with around three fifths of respondents aged 16 to 34 (60%) and aged 55 or over (55%).

Table 6.6 Woodland visitors1 by age group

Year Aged 16 to 34 Aged 35 to 54 Aged 55 and over Total
per cent of respondents
1999 73 74 55 67
2001 75 77 63 72
2003 71 72 60 67
2005 66 74 56 65
2007 79 82 69 77
2009 78 84 69 77
2011 65 74 63 67
2013 62 75 60 66
2015 54 62 53 56
2017 60 68 55 61

Source: UK and GB Public Opinion of Forestry Surveys, 1999 to 2017.

Base: 2,000 respondents (1999, 2001, 2009 to 2017); 4,000 respondents (2003 to 2007).


1. Those stating they had visited woodland in the last few years.

These figures are outside the scope of National Statistics

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