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This manual has been prepared to help people who manage or work in forests and woods which have been affected by plant diseases caused by phytophthora organisms, especially Phytophthora ramorum and Phytophthora kernoviae.

It also has guidance for those who are involved in moving and processing wood from infected trees.

It will help them to:

  • comply with the plant health regulations applying to affected trees, other plants and wood; and
  • minimise the risk of spreading the diseases further afield through their operations. 


  1. Introduction and contents (this page)
  2. Identification and symptoms of ramorum disease
  3. Biosecurity precautions at affected sites
  4. Tree felling licences for sites affected by phytophthora diseases
  5. Managing sites felled to control phytophthora diseases
  6. Managing the risk from Heterobasidion annosum fungus on felled larch sites
  7. Collecting foliage of phytophthora host plants from affected woodland
  8. Financial assistance for woodland owners affected by phytophthora diseases
  9. Licences for moving and processing wood from infected trees
  10. Treatment of sawn wood and residual bark

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