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The National Inventory of Woodland and Trees for Scotland is published at a country and regional level. The country report and 10 regional reports containing the results of the Main Woodland Survey have now been published.

The Inventory Report for Scotland costs £15 and includes a fold-out colour A1 wallchart (pictured below). Wallcharts are also available separately, free of charge. The regional reports cost £5 each. All the reports can be ordered from Forestry Commission Publications.

PDF files of the country and regional level reports are available to download below. Please note that due to the complex mapping contained within the reports, the PDF files sizes may be quite large – on average, around 5 MB.

niscotland.pdf niscotlandwallchart.gif
Scotland Inventory
Scotland Wallchart
westernisles.pdf highland.pdf
Western Isles Highland
grampian.pdf tayside.pdf
Grampian Tayside
fife.pdf central.pdf
Fife Central
strathclyde.pdf lothian.pdf
Strathclyde Lothian
borders.pdf dumfries.pdf
Borders Dumfries & Galloway