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FC production forecasts are published every five years.  This page contains an archive of the forecasts published before the NFI programme started in 2009.

This page has information on:

  • Forecast of softwood availability
  • Woodfuel resource in Britain

Forecast of softwood availability

Published 2006

This softwood availability forecast covers the whole of the United Kingdom for the period 2006 – 2026.

Published in Forestry and British Timber, October 2006

Published 2001

This softwood availability forecast for Great Britain covers the next 66 years (2002-2066) and was published on behalf of the Forestry Commission’s Advisory Panel.

Published in Forestry and British Timber, April 2001

Published 1996

These tables, forecasting wood availability, cover the period 1997-2016 have been prepared by the Forestry Commission and endorsed by the Home Grown Timber Advisory Committee. They update those published in 1991.

Published in Forestry and British Timber, January 1996

Published 1991

The Forestry Commission and Timber Growers UK jointly produced the forecast which takes in the period 1992-2011. Private woodland forecasts and those from the Forestry Commission have been brought together and published on behalf of the Home Grown Timber Advisory Committee.

Published in Forestry and British Timber, November 1991

Published 1987

Conifer production forecast reviews are carried out every 5 years and made for a period of 20 years ahead (covering the period 1987-2006). They take into account up-to-date information on the physical state of the growing stock and other factors that influence the potential yield such as management regimes and the length of the rotation. The FC and private woodland forecasts are brought together by the Supply and Demand Sub Committee of the Home Grown Timber Advisory Committee and the forecast is published under the auspices of the HGTAC.

Published 1982

This assessment of the potential cut of conifer roundwood in Britain was produced jointly by the Forestry Commission and Timber Growers Scotland and Timber Growers England and Wales, covers the period 1982-2001. The tables have been prepared under the auspices of the Supply and Demand Sub-Committee of the Home Grown Timber Advisory Committee.

Published in Forestry and British Timber, January 1982

Published 1978

In accordance with normal Forestry Commission practice, the five-year revision of these estimates was completed recently by the Forestry Commission for its own plantations and, in consultation with Scottish Woodland Owners Association and Timber Growers Organisation, for private woodlands. The following tables have been prepared under the auspices of the Supply and Demand Sub-Committee of the Home Grown Timber Advisory Committee.

Published in Forestry and British Timber, April 1978

Published 1972

The estimates of the production of conifer roundwood and residues in 1970 and the expected production in later years presented in the following tables have been prepared under the auspices of the Committee for Market Development by Forestry Commission in consultation with representatives of the national private growers’ organisations and the home timber merchants’ associations.

Published in Forestry and Home Grown Timber, May and September 1972

Published 1964

This paper was prepared by Mr. B. W. Holtam of the Forestry Commission at the request of its Home Grown Timber Advisory Committee as part of its review of the present state of development of the forest industry in Great Britain. The Committee considered that the information it contained would be of interest not only to those engaged in that industry, but also to the wider public that is concerned with social, economic and other questions in rural areas, hence the decision to publish. The paper consists of three parts: Part I deals with softwood, i.e. timber from coniferous species; Part II with hardwood from broad leaved trees; and Part III gives some implications of the data.

Published as Forest Record 52.

Woodfuel Resource in Britain

Published 2003

This report covers Great Britain for the period 2003 – 2021. The report provides estimates of the potential available resource from traditional forests products and brash, co-products from sawmills, arboricultural arisings and short rotation coppice in a sound and consistent way, and also a forecast of the future availability of the resource from traditional forests.

Published on the FC web pages in November 2003

Last updated: 13th April 2016