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Forecasts estimate how our woodlands may change over time. NFI forecasts examine different aspects of the future state of the woodland according to alternative future management scenarios. One key aspect of NFI forecasts is timber availability with the forecasts including the corresponding standing volume remaining in woodlands and the increment.

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Forecasts are calculated by taking the ‘current’ woodland structure and applying the Forestry Commission’s growth and yield models to grow the woodland into the future. By applying a range of management scenarios (describing harvesting and restocking regimes) we forecast the future timber availability and the corresponding growing stock in the woodland.

This is an involved process and, as with all forecasting, includes the use of assumptions about the future. A range of supporting documentation explaining in detail the assumptions, data sources and processes used in the calculation of forecasts and also how to interpret the forecasts generated from the NFI is also available.

Forecast of softwood availability

Published 2022

An NFI summary report of the 25-year forecast of softwood timber availability for the UK. Covers the period 2022-2046. It also includes a summary of the corresponding forecast of coniferous standing volume and increment.

Published 2016

An NFI summary report of the 25-year forecast of softwood timber availability for the UK. Covers the period 2017-2041. It also includes a summary of the corresponding forecast of coniferous standing volume and increment.

Published 2015

An NFI report exploring and illustrating the impacts of alternative afforestation and harvesting scenarios on the softwood timber availability profile and providing estimates of long-term softwood timber availability under these scenarios. Covers the period 2013-2111.

Published 2014

An NFI statistical report for GB, examining the potential for softwood timber availability over the period 2013-2061 under a range of harvesting and restocking scenarios. The spreadsheet provides all the data found in the main report plus supplementary breakdowns of timber volumes not included in the main report.

A supplementary spreadsheet provided detail of the stocked area at the start of the forecast by principal tree species groups and age classes for GB, countries and NFI reporting regions.

Published 2012

An NFI summary report of the 25-year forecast of softwood availability for the UK. These reports build on the inventory reports describing the woodland composition in 2011. Covers the period 2012-2036.

An NFI statistical analysis report providing greater detail of the 25-year forecast of softwood availability for GB. The spreadsheet provides all data found in the main report plus supplementary breakdowns of timber volumes not available in the main report.

The forecasts are accompanied by two reports which provide details of the data sources and the methodology, and also guide readers of the main forecast reports in the interpretation of the estimates provided under the harvesting and restocking assumptions.


Forecast of hardwood availability

Published 2014

An NFI statistical report examining the potential for hardwood timber availability over the period 2013-2061 under a range of harvesting and restocking scenarios. The spreadsheet provides all the data found in the main report plus supplementary breakdowns of timber volumes not included in the main report.


Forecast of coniferous standing volume and increment

An NFI statistical analysis report of the 25-year forecast of standing coniferous volume and increment for Great Britain. The spreadsheet provides all the data found in the main report plus supplementary breakdowns of timber volumes not included in the main report. Covers the period 2012 – 2036.

Published 2012


Last updated: 28th July 2022