The NFI programme works in collaboration with colleagues to provide information on the extent and impact of events such as outbreaks of pests and diseases or natural events such as storms. NFI involvement will be tailored to meet the requirements of the specific event.
This page has information on:
Following the St. Jude’s day storm on 28 October 2013, the National Forest Inventory (NFI) conducted a sample survey to assess the extent of damage to woodlands in the impacted areas. The area of coverage of the survey was decided from initial reports of areas that had reportedly experienced damage from high winds during the storm.
Hymenoscyphus fraxineus, the fungus which causes Chalara ash dieback on ash trees, was found to be infecting ash trees in Great Britain, and in nursery stock, during 2012. It was therefore decided to resurvey a sub-sample of NFI survey sites that had previously been surveyed in the NFI field survey programme, in order to establish an estimate of the then-current incidence of the disease in the ash population.
The first document below reports the results and findings of this resurvey. The information provided is intended to complement the results of other recent work that has investigated the pattern and current extent of H. fraxineus infections of ash trees in Great Britain.
H. fraxineus was formerly known as Chalara fraxinea, and the reports below were written before the name change.
Last updated: 8th June 2017