Imperial College London – visiting researcher and former Director of OPAL
Coordinator of THSCN and Observatree volunteer. Current priorities: to expand the tree health surveillance network, to make data more openly accessible to researchers, land managers and the public, and to increase collaboration between the biosecurity and biodiversity communities.
Recent scientific publications:
Jane Barbrook
Animal & Plant Health Agency
APHA lead for the wider environment including delivering of surveys and managing outbreaks of plant pests & diseases.
Observatree Board member – supportive of citizen science, volunteer development and using survey data to complement wider plant health activities and knowledge of P&Ds
Forest Research
Observatree Project Manager & Landscape and Environmental Scientist
Jassy Drakulic
Royal Horticultural Society, RHS Wisley
Plant pathologist and citizen science researcher involved with projects on widespread participation in tree health surveying: Check a Sweet Chestnut of Project HOMED, RHS Honey Fungus Hunt.
Matt Elliot
Plant Health & Biosecurity Scientist at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh.
Impact Officer for horticulture and natural environment sectors at Scotland’s Plant Health Centre of Expertise.
Sit on the International Plant Sentinel Network (IPSN) Research & Development Committee.
Research focusses primarily on providing evidence for applied solutions to plant health and biosecurity issues for stakeholders in both the horticulture sector, and the natural environment sector. A significant element of this work is investigating effective ways to carry out plant health monitoring and surveillance, including utilising citizen science, so that issues can be identified early and managed quickly.
Andy Gordon
Started research on germination & dormancy of barley in the whiskey industry 1962-70 and been dealing with trees since 1970 when I joined Forest Research as Seeds Research and then Principal Seeds Officer.
From 1981 until 2001 started and ran a private tree seed company (Forestart).
Since retiring I have volunteered with the National Trust (recording ancient trees) then with the Woodland Trust recording trees (Ancient Tree Inventory) and since about 2008 monitoring tree health via ObservaTree.
Samantha Green
CAWR, Coventry University
Research assistant: HOMED project, Check-a-Sweet-Chestnut, Observatree volunteer, Warwick Tree Warden volunteer
Forest Research
Head of Forest Research Wales
Charles Lane
Fera Science Limited
Plant health and biosecurity consultant, responsible for developing plant health professional skills and education. Involved in OPAL Tree health survey, the International Plant Sentinel Network and Observatree.
Kate Lewthwaite
Woodland Trust
Involved in Observatree since its inception, current Board member
Mercy Morris
Previous roles have included Conservation Manager at Plant Heritage, Research Assistant at the University of Kent and Team Leader at RBG Kew, Wakehurst Place. Mercy has a National Plant Collection of Chlorophytum comosum cvs., and has opened under the National Gardens Scheme for houseplants.
Forest Research
Head of Tree Health Diagnostic & Advisory Service
Michael Pocock
UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Researcher with an ecological focus, who is interested in the whole system of citizen science: it’s benefits to people and for science; how best to use citizen science for specific purposes; using the data for robust ecological science for decision-making. Works to build the evidence base for the best use of citizen science, but also interested in new innovations in citizen science.
The Tree Health Centre at the Yorkshire Arboretum
Royal Botanic Gardens Kew partner garden.
Observatree Associate and International Plant Sentinel Network Member.
Providing specialist training focused on the development of a healthy treescape from our stunning 3000+ collection of tree and shrub taxa.