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The UK Tree Health Citizen Science Network (THCSN) has been formed from a group of individuals and organisations working across a range of projects and activities that engage people with trees.

The aim of the network is for all key organisations and individuals with an interest in tree health and citizen science to:

  • work collaboratively to share information, news, experiences and best practice
  • pursue opportunities for joint working and funding
  • act as ambassadors both nationally and internationally
  • provide counsel and advice to policy-makers

The network aims to improve how tree health citizen science opportunities are presented and marketed to the public. We want to make it easier for people to easily understand what projects are available and which opportunities are most appropriate for them.

The last meeting of the Network was held via MS Teams on Thursday 13 February 2025. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 15 July at Coventry University Ryton Gardens and via MS Teams.

Forest Research plays a key role on the Network through membership and by hosting the Network’s webpage. The first Coordinator of the Network is David Slawson (Imperial College London).

If you are actively involved with developing or running tree health citizen science and would like to join the network please contact us.

Primary THCSN Contact

THCSN Co-ordinator, David Slawson

David Slawson

Co-ordinator of THCSN