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How might the system change, and when will the desired outcome be achieved?

The outcomes of the management and the implementation of the actions identified in Step 4 should be monitored and assessed in order to learn more about the resilience of your system.

In this way, management can adapt to the sequence of events that occur, to early signs of degradation, and the changing environmental/economic/socio-political conditions. Monitoring also helps to understand how effective different actions are, and how they might be changed in the future (see the table below). Such learning may be a continual process, but a formal review may need to be scheduled to ensure that lessons are captured. It is important to ensure that information is collected and stored in ways which allow review and learning.

A useful exercise can be to examine a selection of priority threats and associated potential management actions from the previous step and compile a list of monitoring activities (some of which you may already conduct, others may be desirable).

Monitoring examples for Step 5

Threat Current monitoring Desirable monitoring
Insect pests and diseases
  • Allow access to Observatree volunteers
  • Regular surveys (e.g. for ash dieback)
  • Forestry Commission aerial survey
  • Further collaboration and knowledge exchange with neighbouring land managers
  • Further training in pest/disease identification
Habitat degradation
  • Site-level species and habitat surveys
  • Monitoring locations of invasive species
  • ‘Woodland Wildlife Toolkit’ could help identify management actions to increase habitat quality and availability
  • Coordination with national monitoring (e.g. bird surveys)

Hints and tips for Step 5

  • Consider the routine information collected by your organisation and collaborators, and whether this can be used to focus on resilience.
  • Build in staged reviews and link this to resource planning that supports further action. Start with a manageable set of actions and monitoring sources, and subject these to scrutiny. This will build knowledge regarding what works for your context. Take the opportunity to reflect and build such opportunities into your future actions (see box below).
  • Some organisations create ‘resilience champions’ to support teams and managers in applying and monitoring resilience more broadly across the organisation.

End of the workshop

The end of the workshop is a good opportunity to reflect upon what has been discussed. Sometimes the discussions themselves are the most valuable activity. You could ask different members of the team to give a reflection to the group. After the meeting it may be useful to provide a summary of the key discussion points for future reference. Other users of this framework have found it productive to arrange a follow-up meeting to review the assigned actions in Step 4. This meeting could also be an opportunity to discuss how to monitor and record as prompted, in Step 5.

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