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A selection of links, organised by category, to other, generally non-commercial, biomass related websites and resources, including local producer groups

Virgin wood

Some links to websites and organisations concerned with virgin wood supply

An informative page from Scottish Forestry / Coilltearachd na h-Alba giving a great deal of useful information on the woodfuel supply chain in Scotland and using wood as a fuel

Practical advice regarding energy

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe/Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations Wood Energy website

From the Forestry Commission England

Natural Resources Wales


from Forest Research

Forest Research – estimates of woodfuel availability in regions across the country

Links to biomass related websites and resources specific to England, including regional organisations


This site details the background, aims and methods used in a study of the potentially available Woodfuel Resource in Great Britain, and presents a report of the findings

A source of information on the use and implementation of non-food crop products and technologies in the UK

Represents British renewable energy producers and promotes the use of sustainable energy in the UK

North East


Supporting the North East’s forestry and woodland businesses

North West

Cumbria Woodlands

The main area of our work has shifted from providing simple advisory visits to becoming more focussed on working with farmers and businesses on how woodlands and forests can contribute to a vibrant rural economy. We are encouraging the land-owning community and wood-using businesses to think in a different way about how their woodland resources can help them make a sustainable living

Yorkshire and the Humber

FC Yorkshire and The Humber woodfuel directory

(PDF – 4.7 MB)

South East of England

Wood Heat Solutions

Wood Heat Solutions was a project which aimed to increase the number of wood fired heating systems used in the UK, Slovenia and Croatia, by using lessons learned from successful wood heat projects in Finland and Austria. A Google map of operational and potential suppliers and users of wood heat in South East England has been written as part of the project, available here.

Reports are also available with details of two study tours that have been conducted by the project to:


(PDF – 1.0 MB)


(PDF – 766 kB)

South West

Severn Wye Energy Agency

SWEA is a charitable company, with a programme of work to develop the sustainable use of energy in the South West and Mid-Wales.

SWEA projects cover energy efficiency, renewable energy, affordable warmth and sustainable transport, and include the provision of an Energy Efficiency Advice Centre (EEAC) for households in Gloucestershire and a portfolio of other projects

Links to biomass related websites and resources specific to Scotland

An informative page from Scottish Forestry / Coilltearachd na h-Alba giving a great deal of useful information on the woodfuel supply chain in Scotland and using wood as a fuel

Forestry Commission Scotland: Renewables

Scottish Renewables grants and loans

Scottish Renewables

Scotland’s forum for the renewable energy industry

Links to biomass related websites and resources specific to Wales

Wood Fuel and Natural Resources Wales

Forestry in Wales is now within Natural Resources Wales. Natural Resources Wales supports the wood fuel industry, which provides a valuable growing market for timber growers and processors in Wales.

Awel Aman Tawe community energy

A community energy project in the Upper Swansea and Amman Valleys

Centre For Alternative Land Use

CALU is Wales’ Development Centre with responsibility for knowledge and technology transfer in relation to biomass energy

Coed Cymru

Coed Cymru is an all Wales initiative to promote the management of broadleaf woodlands and the use of locally grown hardwood timber in Wales. Includes information and advice on wood pellets and woodfuel heating

Research and projects

Links to organisations and projects involved in biomass and woodfuel research

Britain’s principal organisation for forestry and tree related research

Forest Research Social and Economic Research Group

The SUPERGEN Bioenergy Hub aims to bring together industry, academia and other stakeholders to focus on the research and knowledge challenges associated with increasing the contribution of UK bioenergy to meet strategic environmental targets in a coherent, sustainable and cost-effective manner

The Phyllis 2 database, hosted by the Energy Centre of the Netherlands

UK biomass networks

A number of key academic and research networks in the UK operating in the field of biomass and bioenergy

IBERS brings together the Institutes of Rural Sciences and Biological Sciences at Aberystwyth University, and the Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research (IGER)

The Rural Economy and Land Use Programme

The SUPERGEN Biomass and Bioenergy Consortium aims to provide a recognised focus for UK biomass and bioenergy activities that unites key stakeholders and academia through leading edge research in renewable energy

The UK Energy Research Centre’s mission is to be the UK’s pre-eminent centre of research, and source of authoritative information and leadership, on sustainable energy systems

UKERC undertakes world-class research addressing whole-systems aspects of energy supply and use, while developing and maintaining the means to enable cohesive UK research in energy

Training and courses

Some training courses and organisations covering aspects of biomass and woodfuel production and supply and equipment installation

Installer training

HETAS offers a range of training courses for installers, retailers, specifiers, Local Authorities, Building Control Officers and those involved in the wood fuel supply chain, covering solid fuel, wood and biomass.

Woodfuel Courses

Ignite Woodfuel courses

Ignite is the UK’s only programme of accredited woodfuel supply chain training. Developed by Rural Development Initiatives Ltd., a not for profit company, since 2004 Ignite courses have been attended by over 850 trainees across the UK. Courses are delivered by RDI in conjunction with a variety of organisations and are designed specifically for those involved in the woodfuel supply chain including contractors, managers, owners and advisors. Courses include a mix of presentations, exercises and field trips to ensure trainees take away practical information they can use in their day-to-day work. All trainees receive a workbook, resources CD and free unlimited post course mentoring (e-mail/telephone)

Click on the link above for current course dates and venues

If there isn’t a course listed to suit you please contact RDI on Bespoke and in-house courses can be arranged and delivered anywhere in the UK

Energy crops

Some links to key UK websites concerning energy crops

Information on the non food uses of agricultural crops

on the Forest Research website

These maps are to be used as a tool to provide guidance to those seeking to develop energy crops. They show the best areas for growing the crops plus the areas where this is not appropriate or care would need to be taken from an environmental point of view

Waste wood

Links to some key contacts working with waste wood, wood recycling and industrial wastes

WRAP helps individuals, businesses and local authorities to reduce waste and recycle more, making better use of resources and helping to tackle climate change

Materials covered include wood waste and food waste

Set up in 2001, the WRA is a trade association with 50 member companies and represents the interests of the wood recycling sector to governments, to the environment agencies and other regulatory authorities in the UK

Links to websites concerning wood and biomass pellets

A Europe wide project to map biomass pellet manufacture, prices, volumes and trade

A non-profit association that served the pellet industry, which comprises pellet mills, pellet appliance manufacturers and industry suppliers. The Institute is active in educating consumers about the convenience and practicality of using wood pellet fuel in both residential and commercial applications

Ukrainian Biofuel Portal is a specialized Internet resource on biomass and biofuel that is oriented on promotion of solid biofuel in Europe. It contains articles, information about upcoming conferences dedicated to renewable energy

Links to some key government organisations, networks and trade associations working in the field of biomass

The government department responsible for the protection of Britain’s forests and woodlands. The Forestry Commission is supporting the development of woodfuel, see:

Guidance on how to comply with the requirements of the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI), Renewables Obligation (RO) and Contracts for Difference (CFD) using woody biomass.

Britain’s principle organisation for forestry and tree related research. Forest Research, the wider Forestry Commission and the woodland industries are working together to assist the development of a substantial woodfuel industry throughout the UK. This site includes details of the background, aims and methods used in a study of the potentially available woodfuel resource in Great Britain, and presents the findings in an interactive manner

A project in 2003 to assess the potentially available woodfuel resource in Great Britain. This resource can be broken down into different categories, and by region. Also Woodfuel Resource in Britain: Appendices.

The UK trade association for the modern biomass heating industry. Brings together wood fuel suppliers, biomass boiler and stove installers and distributors, energy companies and developers

Biomass fuel suppliers accredited to supply systems funded under the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI)

An organisation which help business and the public sector cut carbon emissions

An independent charity which seeks to advance sustainable energy policy and practice

The Association for Decentralised Energy is the leading decentralised energy advocate, focused on creating a more cost effective, efficient and user-orientated energy system

A source of information on the use and implementation of non-food crop products and technologies in the UK

The UK organisation representing all aspects of renewable energy production and use

Renewable Energy Statistics database compiled by AEA Energy & Environment on behalf of the Department of Trade and Industry. The study was initially supported by the Statistical Office of the European Communities (Eurostat) whose objective was to encourage the collection of renewable energy statistics across all EU Member States to a standard format

Agricultural Research, including energy crops and especially Miscanthus

The Solid Fuel Association is funded by solid fuel producers and distributors and was established to encourage greater awareness of the benefits of domestic solid fuel heating among the public. Operating as an advice centre, the Solid Fuel Association welcomes communication on all matters concerning the use of solid fuels both from domestic consumers and professionals such as heating installers and architects

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