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Energy from Biomass: Straw and perennial grasses as energy crops

Summaries of the biomass projects carried out as part of the DTI’s New and Renewable Energy Programme. Part3 covering straw and perennial grasses as energy sources (PDF – 1.2 MB)

Optimisation of miscanthus harvesting and storage strategies

The report covers the first year of a three-year evaluation of miscanthus harvesting and storage systems (PDF – 152 kB)

Improving the water use efficiency of short rotation coppice (SRC) willows

This principal aim of this research project was to determine the range of water use efficiency and drought resistance within existing willow varieties, in order to identify the potential for improving productivity through plant breeding(PDF – 425 kB)

Harvester development for new high yielding SRC crops and markets

Report on a project to develop a harvester optimized for new high-yielding SRC crops and produce output suitable for various applications (PDF – 1.1 MB)

Energy from Biomass: Summaries of Biomass Projects carried out as part of the DTI’s Technology Programme: New and Renewable Energy

These summaries provide easy access to the results of the many projects carried out in the ‘Energy from Biomass’ Programme Area of the DTI’s Technology Programme: New and Renewable Energy (PDF – 2.0 MB)

Yield models for energy coppice of poplar and willow Volume A

DTI (PDF – 7.6 MB)

Yield models for energy coppice of poplar and willow Volume B

DTI (PDF – 2.1 MB)

Willow for Wales

Final report. Aberystwyth University. (PDF – 4.6 MB)

A review of past and current research on short rotation coppice in Ireland and abroad

CORFORD ~ Ireland (PDF – 3.6 MB)

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