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A selection of papers and reports on biomass CHP

Development of a small-scale biomass CHP system

A report on a project for the DTI to develop and demonstrate a compact entrained flow biomass gasifier, using a swirling flow reactor to suspend and react pulverised biomass into a low tar and particle content wood gas, suitable for fuelling a CHP engine, with minimal post processing equipment for gas cleaning (PDF – 2.0 MB)

Westonbirt Arboretum CHP report

Initial feasibility study and technology assessment for the possibility of a small scale biomass CHP system for Westonbirt Arboretum (PDF – 738 KB)

The Association for Decentralized Energy (ADE – formally CHPA)

The Association for Decentralized Energy is the leading decentralized energy advocate, focused on creating a more cost effective, efficient and user-orientated energy system

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