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Based on specific examples in the UK and elsewhere. These figures are given purely as approximate guidance and precise energy requirements for a given building will depend on many constructional and operational factors. See notes below for fuel assumptions.

Building type Annual energy demand (MWhth) System size (kWth) Wood chips p.a. 30% MC Wood pellets p.a. 10% MC Land area required

note 1


note 2


note 3


note 4

Forest residues (ha)

note 5

SRC (ha)

note 6

Miscanthus (ha)

note 7

Domestic house 20 20 5.7 23 4.2 6.3 2 0.5 0.3
Small industrial unit 140 100 40 160 29 44 14 3 2.3
Large farm with outbuildings 400 150 114 460 83 125 40 9 6.5
Hotel 660 250 190 760 138 205 66 15 11
Municipal complex 360 300 100 400 75 115 36 8 6
District heating scheme 600 500 170 700 125 190 60 13 10
Municipal buildings 1,000 700 290 1,150 210 315 100 22 16
Greenhouse 4,200 1,200 1,200 4,800 875 1,300 420 93 70
CHP (ORC) 14,800 (thermal) 1,850 (400 kWe) 6,600 26,400 4,800 7,200 2,300 500 380
CHP/Power station 16,000 (electrical) 2,000 kWe 20,000 40,000 14,600 21,800 6,900 1,550 1,160


  1. 3.5 MWh/tonne (12.6 GJ/t) mixed hard and soft wood
  2. 250 kg/m3 = 0.9 MWh/m3 (3.2 GJ/m3)
  3. 4.8 MWh/tonne (17 GJ/tonne)
  4. 670 kg/m3 = 3.2 MWh/m3 (11.4 GJ/m3)
  5. 2 odt/ha = 2.9 tonnes @ 30% MC
  6. 9 odt/ha = 12.9 tonne/ha.a @ 30% MC
  7. 13 odt/ha = 17.3 tonne/ha.a @ 25% MC