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Tom leads the Forest Research in Wales Unit from his home on Ynys Môn in North Wales. His responsibilities include the management and growth of the Unit, including the assessment of research opportunities within Wales and elsewhere. Tom interacts with wide range of stakeholders in Wales and, in particular, he acts as FR’s main link with Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru/Natural Resources Wales (CNC/NRW) and Llywodraeth Cymru/Welsh Government (LlC/WG), especially the Forest Resources Policy and Plant Health and Environmental Protection Branches.

Most recently, Tom has worked with colleagues in FR and other organisations with an interest in Welsh woodlands to produce the National Forest Evidence Review and a Woodland Creation in Wales Report.  The latter was used to inform the Trees and Timber Deep Dive undertaken in June 2021 by the Deputy Minister for Climate Change in Wales.

Links with the research community in Wales, both in universities and government organisations are strong, leading to active collaboration on a range of environmental and land use issues, especially in relation to the Welsh Government’s Woodlands for Wales strategy.

FR is committed to scoping and delivering high quality applied research of direct relevance to Wales linked to the most appropriate mechanisms for technology transfer.

Before Tom joined Forest Research in February 2009 he was previously employed at Bangor University as departmental computer manager and departmental statistician (1988-1993), lecturer in Forest Mensuration and Management (1993-2005), and Distance-learning Programme Director (2005-2009).

Tom started at Forest Research as the deputy manager of the Forest Mensuration, Modelling and Forecasting (FMMF) science group lead by Robert Matthews. He took up his current role in April 2014. Tom retains an active interest in

  • the development of Forest Policy, the promotion of increased tree cover and the sustainable management of natural resources in Wales
  • tree health
  • the promotion of Citizen Science
  • forest growth and yield modelling to improve existing systems
  • developing new models to better predict and evaluate forest resources including, where appropriate, the likely consequences of climate change
  • the development of forest mensuration systems for the collection of data relevant to current modelling initiatives.


  • Listed as a Member of the Order of the British Empire (M.B.E.) for Services to the Forestry Sector in the King’s New Year’s Honours, 2024
  • Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Foresters (FICFor), 2007-date
  • Member of the Institute of Chartered Foresters (MICFor), 1995-2007
  • Institute of Chartered Foresters (ICF) representative on the Defra Tree Health Policy Group (THPG), 2021-date
  • ICF examinations’ assessor, 2000-2006
  • ICF examinations’ moderator, 2007-2023
  • Member of the ICF Professional and Educational Standards Committee, 2007-2023
  • Awarded the ICF medal (2022) for commitment to professional excellence and service in forestry
  • Recipient of the ICF President’s Award (2014) for meritorious service to the Institute’s examinations’ processes
  • Member of the UK Tree Health Citizen Science Network
Head of Forest Research in Wales /
Pennaeth Ymchwil Coedwigaeth yng Nghymru
Senior management

Forest Research in Wales

Ynys Môn

Related Research


Welsh Plant Health Surveillance Network

The Welsh Plant Health Surveillance Network (WPHSN) is a ground-breaking Welsh Government funded project designed to proactively monitor native and invasive pests and pathogens that may pose a threat to health of plants and trees across Wales.

Status current


Woodlands for Wales Indicators

Status current
Development of improved methods for detection, control and eradication of pine wood nematodes in support of EU Plant Health Policy (REPHRAME)

Extending the capability of existing models to identify the risk posed by pine wood nematodes to the rest of Europe and the possible impact of climate change on its spread

Related Publications


Welsh Plant Health Surveillance Network Programme: 2023 review

This document is an Annex to the Welsh Plant Health Surveillance Network Programme 2022 Review, and reports on the second year of the WPHSN activities undertaken on behalf of the Welsh Government. It describes a network of insect and spore traps placed at strategic woodland sites across Wales to monitor and record the presence/absence of invasive pests and pathogens which may negatively affect our trees, woodlands, and forests.



Welsh Plant Health Surveillance Network Programme: 2022 review

This document describes and reports on the first year of activities undertaken for the Welsh Plant Health Surveillance Network (WPHSN), a ground-breaking Welsh Government funded project to monitor native and invasive pests and pathogens that may pose a threat to health of plants and trees across Wales.


Peer reviewed journal articles

Ikegami M. & Jenkins T.A.R. (2018). Estimate global risks of a forest disease under current and future climates using species distribution model and simple thermal model – Pine Wilt disease as a model case. For. Ecol. Manage., 409: 343-352. DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2017.11.005

Duerden C.E., Jenkins T., Evans H. and Gwynn-Jones D. (2017). Survival, height and tree stability responses of Quercus petraea, two decades after the introduction of different tree shelter types. Quarterly Journal of Forestry, 111(1): 26-31.

Gruffudd H.R., Jenkins T.A.R. & Evans H.F. (2016). Using an evapo-transpiration model (ETpN) to predict the risk and expression of symptoms of pine wilt disease (PWD) across Europe. Biol Invasions 18(10): 2823-2840. DOI:10.1007/s10530-016-1173-7

Arcangeli C., Klopf M., Hale S.E., Jenkins T.A.R. and Hasenauer H. (2013) The uniform height curve method for height-diameter modelling: an application to Sitka spruce in Britain. Forestry, 87(1), 177–186. DOI:10.1093/forestry/cpt041

Other publications

Beauchamp, K. & Jenkins, T. (2021). Woodland Creation in Wales. Report for the Wales Land Management Forum. (Report completed October 2020. Published by Welsh Government, July 2021.)

Bathgate, S., McKay, H. & Jenkins, T. (2020)  Climate-Smart Woodlands: The potential for woodland creation on ALC grade 3b land in Wales.  Forest Research Final Project Report, March 2020. 27 pp.

Beauchamp, K., Jenkins, T.A.R., Alison, J., Bathgate, S., Bell, C., Braban, C., Broome, A., Bursnell, M., Burton, V., Dickie, I., Doick, K.J., Evans, C.D., Fitch, A., Griffiths, R., Hall, C., Healey, J.R., Jones, L., Keith, A.M., Kerr, G., Kuyer, J., Maskell, L.C., Matthews, R.W., Morison, J., Nicoll, B., Nisbet, T., O’Brien, L., Old, G.H., Pagella, T., Perks, M.P., Robinson, D.A., Saraev, V., Smart, S.M., Smith, A.R., Siriwardena, G.M., Swetnam, R., Thomas, A.R.C., Tye, A., Valatin, G., Warren-Thomas, E.M., Wong, J. & Emmett, B.A. (2020). Environment and Rural Affairs Monitoring & Modelling Programme (ERAMMP). ERAMMP Report-32: National Forest in Wales – Evidence Review. Report to Welsh Government (Contract C210/2016/2017)(UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology Project 06297)

Beauchamp, K., Bathgate, S., Burton, V., Jenkins, T.A.R., Morison, J., Nicoll, B. & Perks, M.P. (2020). Environment and Rural Affairs Monitoring & Modelling Programme (ERAMMP). ERAMMP Report-35: National Forest in Wales – Evidence Review Annex-3: Future-proofing our Woodland. Report to Welsh Government (Contract C210/2016/2017)(UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology Project 06297)

Beauchamp, K., O’Brien, L., Hall, C., Dickie, I., Swetnam, R., Jenkins, T.A.R., Doick, K.J., Nisbet, T.R., Old. G., Evans, C.D., Nicoll, B., Jones, L., Braban, C., Robinson, D.A., Burton, V, Tye, A., Smith, A.R., Pagella, T. & Perks, M.P. (2020). Environment and Rural Affairs Monitoring & Modelling Programme (ERAMMP). ERAMMP Report-37: National Forest in Wales – Evidence Review Annex-5: Ecosystem Services. Report to Welsh Government (Contract C210/2016/2017) (UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology Project 06297)

Emmett, B.A., Beauchamp, K., Jenkins, T.A.R., Alison, J., Bathgate, S., Bell, C., Braban, C., Broome, A., Bursnell, M., Burton, V., Dickie, I., Doick, K.J., Evans, C.D., Fitch, A., Griffiths, R., Hall, C., Healey, J.R., Jones, L., Keith, A.M., Kerr, G., Kuyer, J., Maskell, L.C., Matthews, R.W., Morison, J., Nicoll, B., Nisbet, T.R., O’Brien, L., Old, G.H., Pagella, T., Perks, M.P., Robinson, D.A., Saraev, V., Smart, S.M., Smith, A.R., Siriwardena, G.M., Swetnam, R., Thomas, A.R.C., Tye, A., Valatin, G., Warren Thomas, E.M. & Wong, J. (2020). Environment and Rural Affairs Monitoring & Modelling Programme (ERAMMP). ERAMMP Report-39: National Forest in Wales – Evidence Review Annex-7: Integrated Assessment. Report to Welsh Government (Contract C210/2016/2017) (UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology Project 06297)

Wiik, E., Pagella, T., Healey, J., Bathgate, S., McKay, H. & Jenkins, T. (2020) Analysis of the viability of “land sparing” and “land sharing” strategies for commercial woodland expansion within Wales.  Bangor University.  62 pp.

Emmett, B.A., Alison, J., Braban, C., Dickie, I., Gunn, I.D.M., Healey, J., Jenkins, T., Jones, L., Keenleyside, C.B., Lewis-Reddy, E., Martineau, A.H., Newell-Price, J.P., Old, G.H., Pagella, T., Siriwardena, G.M., Williams, A.G., Williams, A.P. & Williams, J.R. (2019). Report 10a: Integrated Analysis. In Environment and Rural Affairs Monitoring & Modelling Programme (ERAMMP): Sustainable Farming Scheme Evidence Review. Report to Welsh Government (Contract C210/2016/2017). Centre for Ecology & Hydrology Project NEC06297.

Emmett, B.A., Alison, J., Braban, C., Dickie, I., Gunn, I.D.M., Healey, J., Jenkins, T., Jones, L., Keenleyside, C.B., Lewis-Reddy, E., Martineau, A.H., Newell-Price, P., Old, G.H., Pagella, T., Siriwardena, G.M., Williams, A.G., Williams, P. & Williams, J.R. (2019). Report 10b: Considerations for the new scheme. In Environment and Rural Affairs Monitoring & Modelling Programme (ERAMMP): Sustainable Farming Scheme Evidence Review. Report to Welsh Government (Contract C210/2016/2017). Centre for Ecology & Hydrology Project NEC06297.

Jenkins T.A.R., Mackie E.D. Matthews R.W., Miller G., Randle T.J. and White M.E. (2018) FC Woodland Carbon Code: Carbon Assessment Protocol (v2.0). Forestry Commission, Edinburgh. 173pp.

Matthews R.W., Henshall P.A., Duckworth R.R., Jenkins T.A.R., Mackie E.D., and Dick E.C. (2016) Forest Yield: a PC-Based yield model for forest management in Britain. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh.

Matthews R.W., Henshall P.A., Jenkins T.A.R., Mackie E.D., Dick E.C. and Duckworth R.R. (2016) User Manual. Forest Yield: A PC-based yield model for forest management in Britain. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh, in association with Forest Research. 51pp. ISBN: 978-0-85538-941-3

Matthews R.W., Jenkins T.A.R., Mackie E.D. and Dick E.C. (2016). Forest Yield: A handbook on forest growth and yield tables for British forestry. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh. i-iv + 1-92pp. ISBN: 978-0-85538-942-0

Jenkins T.A.R., Matthews R.W., Mackie E.D. and Halsall L. (2012) Felling and Removals Forecasts. A document describing how volume fellings and removals are handled in the 2011 Production Forecast system. 56pp.

Jenkins T.A.R., Matthews R.W., Mackie E.D. and Halsall L. (2012) Forecast Types. A document describing how different forecast types are implemented in the 2011 Production Forecast system. 40pp.

Jenkins T.A.R., Matthews R.W., Mackie E.D. and Halsall L. (2012) Growing Stock Volume Forecasts. A document describing how growing stock (‘standing’) volume is handled in the 2011 Production Forecast. 46pp.

Jenkins T.A.R., Matthews R.W., Mackie E.D. and Halsall L. (2012) Restocking in the Forecast. A document describing how restocking of felled areas is handled in the 2011 Production Forecast. 33pp.

Jenkins T.A.R., Matthews R.W., Mackie E.D. and Halsall L. (2012) Technical Glossary. A document defining some of the terms used in the 2011 Production Forecast technical documentation. 6pp.

Jenkins T.A.R., Gilbert J., Mackie E.D. and Matthews R.W. (2012) Tree Species. A document listing the tree species included in the 2011 Production Forecast. 6pp.

Jenkins T.A.R., Matthews R.W., Mackie E.D. and Halsall L. (2012) Volume Increment Forecasts. A document describing how volume increment is handled in the 2011 Production Forecast. 42pp.

Jenkins T.A.R., Mackie E.D. Matthews R.W., Miller G., Randle T.J. and White M.E. (2011) FC Woodland Carbon Code: Carbon Assessment Protocol. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh. 154pp.

Randle T.J. and Jenkins T.A.R. (2011) The construction of lookup tables for estimating changes in carbon stocks in forestry projects. A background document for users of the Forestry Commission’s Woodland Carbon Code. 10pp.

Randle T.J., Matthews R.W. and Jenkins T.A.R. (2011) Technical Specification for the Biomass Equations Developed for the 2011 Forecast. 10pp.