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Supports the forest hydrology and soil sustainability programme with responsibilities including GIS and data management.

Samantha Broadmeadow obtained a first degree in Biology at Durham University in 1989 followed by an MSc in Landscape Ecology Design and Management at Wye College, University of London in 1994. She joined Forest Research in 1995, and has specialised in forest hydrology since 1999.

Use of GIS to identify potential areas for woodland creation to alleviate flooding, reduce diffuse pollution, control soil erosion and improve freshwater ecology in various regions across the UK
Application of GIS in the assessment of site environmental predisposition factors to disease
Application of GIS to assess the extent of woodland cover in catchments at risk from acidification
Application of GIS to critically assess forest management in catchments known to support vulnerable species such as freshwater pearl mussel.

Land use and ecosystem services (LUES)

Alice Holt

Alice Holt Lodge




Related Research


Forest Hydrology Research Programme

Rationale, approach and students of the Forest Hydrology Research Programme

Status current
Opportunity mapping for targeting grant aid for water benefits

Brief introduction to the targeting of Countryside Stewardship woodland capital grants in England

Opportunity mapping - targeting woodland creation for water objectives

Opportunity mapping has been developed to help identify these locations and promote more integrated catchment management.

The influence of riparian shade on water temperature in lowland forest streams of southern England

Results from an ongoing study in lowland streams in the New Forest

Forestry and Freshwater Ecology

The impact of forestry on the ecological functioning of the freshwater environment

Related Publications


Modelling the long-term response of stream water chemistry to atmospheric pollution and forestry practices in Galloway, SW Scotland

Report assessing the long term role of forestry in relation to the acidification and recovery of soil and surface water. It targets some of the most acid impacted head waters in the Galloway region of southwest Scotland, including three sub-catchments in the Black Water of Dee (Dargall Lane, Green Burn and Cuttie Shallow); Cardoon Burn […]



The impacts of conifer afforestation and climate on water quality and freshwater ecology in a sensitive peaty catchment: a 25-year study in the upper River Halladale in North Scotland

  Highlights Good forest practice was effective at protecting water quality. Streamwater acidity and ecology unaffected by conifer afforestation. Hurricanes caused marked changes in streamwater acidity and water colour. Total P increased after fertiliser applications but no impact on ecological status. Findings will inform future woodland expansion within sensitive water catchments. Abstract Our study was driven by objections to afforesting the sensitive peaty […]

Trends in surface water chemistry in afforested Welsh catchments

Analysis of 22 years of water chemistry data from afforested Welsh catchments revealed trends indicative of recovery from acidification

Valuing flood regulation services of existing forest cover to inform natural capital accounts

Background Forests are recognised to reduce flood flows, although the issue is complex and continues to be explored. While the processes of how trees affect the generation and conveyance of flood waters are understood, there remains a lack of monitoring data to quantify effects at the catchment scale (click here to visit the WWNP evidence base webpage). This […]

The natural capital of floodplains: management, protection and restoration to deliver greater benefits. Valuing Nature - Natural Capital Synthesis Report. VNP09.

Floodplains are important natural capital assets which deliver a wide range of benefits to people. The interface between terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems in floodplains fosters both a wealth and a complexity of resources that are challenging to measure and compare.

Opportunity mapping for woodland creation to reduce flood risk in Northern Ireland

The report provide results, methods and details of the source data used in a mapping project to provide GIS spatial datasets which identify priority areas for woodland creation to benefit flood risk management in Northern Ireland. Maps are also available in an additional document. The results provide a strong basis for developing and refining catchment strategies, initiatives […]

A strategic assessment of the afforested peat resource in Wales

This report assesses the distribution of the Welsh peatlands, gives an overview of the likely impacts of peat forming factors and afforested peatland restoration, develops national and field based assessment schemes for the assessment of afforested peatland in Wales viable for restoration, carries out a national GIS assessment identifying potential restoration areas in Wales, tests […]

Woodland for Water: Woodland measures for meeting Water Framework Directive objectives

This report considers the key issues relating to woodland and the Water Framework Directive (WFD) in England and Wales, but has application to Scotland and Northern Ireland. By Tom Nisbet, Martyn Silgram, Nadeem Shah, Katrina Morrow & Samantha Broadmeadow. Forest Research Monograph: 4ISBN 978-0-85538-830-0 Related pages Forest hydrology Soil sustainability

Opportunity mapping for woodland to reduce flooding in the Yorkshire and the Humber region

By Samantha Broadmeadow and Tom Nisbet. Research report to Forestry Commission England, March 2009. Forest Research Monograph: 1ISBN 978-0-85538-822-5 Related pages Forest hydrology Soil sustainability

Opportunity mapping for woodland creation to reduce diffuse sediment and phosphate pollution in the Lake District

By Samantha Broadmeadow and Tom Nisbet. Research Report July 2010. Related pages Forest hydrology Soil sustainability

Opportunity mapping for woodland to reduce flooding in the River Derwent, Cumbria

By Samantha Broadmeadow and Tom Nisbet. Research report to Forestry Commission England, March 2009. Related pages Forest hydrology Soil sustainability

Opportunity mapping for woodland creation to meet the objectives of the Water Framework Directive

Map-based case study to assess how woodland creation could be better targeted within catchments to locations where it would contribute most to maximising water and other benefits, while minimising risks. By Samantha Broadmeadow, Tom Nisbet, Martyn Silgram & Katrina Morrow. Final report to the Environment Agency and Forestry Commission England, May 2009. Related pages Forest hydrology Soil sustainability

Terrestrial Umbrella: Eutrophication and acidification of terrestrial ecosystems

The principal roles of Forest Research in this Defra programme were to provide expert advice and to deliver a range of site specific environmental, soil and vegetation-related parameters and data-sets required for the evaluation of the Critical Loads calculation methodology. This evaluation includes the testing and calibration of process-based dynamic models of soil chemistry. By Mark […]

Guide to using woodland for sediment control

This guide describes the catchment approach that is being developed by a partnership of organisations in Cumbria in northwest England to control sediment inputs to Bassenthwaite Lake. It sets out the steps taken to identify the main sources of sediment and explores how woodland could help to alleviate the problem. By: By Tom Nisbet, Samantha Broadmeadow […]

Opportunity mapping for trees and floods

By Samantha Broadmeadow and Tom Nisbet. Research Report to Parrett Catchment Project, Wet Woodland Group, December 2003. Related pages Forest hydrology Soil sustainability

Peer reviewed journal articles

Orr, H.G., M.F. Johnson, R.L. Wilby, T. Hatton-Ellis, S. Broadmeadow (2015). What else do managers need to know about warming rivers? A United Kingdom perspective. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 2(2). DOI: 10.1002/wat2.1062

Helliwell, R.C., J. Aherne, T.R. Nisbet, G. Macdougall, S. Broadmeadow, J. Sample, L Jackson-Blake, R. Doughty. (2014). Modelling the long-term response of stream water chemistry to forestry in Galloway, Southwest Scotland. Ecological Indicators. Volume 37:396–411

Broadmeadow, S., Nadeem, S. and Nisbet, T. (2014a). Opportunity mapping for woodland creation to improve water quality and reduce flood risk in Diffuse Pollution Priority Catchments of the Central and South Scotland Conservancies. Final report to Forestry Commission Scotland, Forest Research, October 2014. (53 pp)

Broadmeadow, S., Nadeem, S. and Nisbet, T. (2014b). Opportunity mapping for woodland creation to improve water quality and reduce flood risk in Diffuse Pollution Priority Catchments of the Perth and Argyll Conservancy. Final report to Forestry Commission Scotland, Forest Research, October 2014. (50 pp)

Broadmeadow, S., Nadeem, S. and Nisbet, T. (2014c). Opportunity mapping for woodland creation to improve water quality and reduce flood risk in Diffuse Pollution Priority Catchments of the Grampian Conservancy. Final report to Forestry Commission Scotland, Forest Research, October 2014. (47 pp)

Broadmeadow, S., Thomas, H. and Nisbet, T. (2014). Opportunity mapping for woodland creation to reduce diffuse water pollution and flood risk in England and Wales. Final report to Environment Agency, Forest Research, March 2014. (22 pp)

Thomas, H., Nisbet, T. and Broadmeadow, S. (2014). Opportunity mapping for woodland creation to reduce flood risk in Wales’ Integrated Natural Resource Management Pilot Catchments (Rhondda, Tawe and Dyfi). Final report to Natural Resource Wales, Forest Research, March 2014. (62 pp)

Broadmeadow, S., Thomas, H., Shah, N. and Nisbet, T. (2013). Opportunity mapping for woodland creation to improve water quality and reduce flood risk in the river Tay catchment – a pilot for Scotland. Final report to Forestry Commission Scotland, Forest Research, June 2013. (40 pp)

Broadmeadow, S. and Nisbet, T. (2013). Yorkshire and North East Woodland for Water Project. Phase 1 Opportunity Mapping Final Report to Environment Agency, Forest Research, June 2013. (56 pp)

Broadmeadow, S., Dandy, N. and Nisbet, T. (2013). Vision and Strategy for riparian woodland planting and management to improve river ecology in the River Avon and River Frome. Final report to Environment Agency, Forest Research, May 2013. (42 pp)

Vanguelova, E. I., T. R. Nisbet, A. J. Moffat, S. Broadmeadow, T. G. M. Sanders and J. I. L. Morison (2013). A new evaluation of carbon stocks in British forest soils. A new evaluation of carbon stocks in British forest soils. Soil Use and Management Volume 29(2):169–181.

Broadmeadow, S. and Nisbet, T. (2012). National map of woodland creation opportunities: targeting EWGS to help meet the objectives of the WFD and reduce flood risk in England. Final Report to Forestry Commission England. Forest Research. (29 pp)

Broadmeadow, S., Thomas, H. and Nisbet, T. (2012). Midlands Woodland for Water Project, Phase 1: Opportunity mapping. Final Report to the Environment Agency. Forest Research. (101 pp)

Yamulki, S. Broadmeadow, S. and Skiba, U. (2012). Revised nitrous oxide emission estimates from forest soils in England, Scotland and Wales for the LULUCF inventory sector. Report to CEH

Vanguelova, E., Broadmeadow, S., Anderson, R., Yamulki, S., Randle T., Nisbet, T. and Morison, J. (2011). A Strategic assessment of afforested peat resources in Wales. Report by Forest Research staff for Forestry Commission Wales. Project 480.CY.00075 (T) November 2011. (106 pp)

Nisbet, T., Marrington, S., Thomas, H., Broadmeadow, S. and Valatin, G. (2011). Slowing the Flow at Pickering. Final report for the Department of environment, food and rural affairs (Defra), Project RMP5455. Defra, London. (28 pp)

E. I. Vanguelova, S. Broadmeadow, R. Anderson, S. Yamulki, T. Randle, T. Nisbet and J. I. L. Morison (2011). A Strategic Assessment of Afforested Peat Resources in Wales, Report by Forest Research staff for Forestry Commission Wales.

Helliwell, R., Aherne, J., MacDougall, G., Nisbet, T., Broadmeadow, S., Sample, J., Jackson-Blake, L., Doughty, R., and Malcolm, I. (2011). Modelling the long-term response of stream water chemistry to atmospheric pollution and forestry practices in Galloway, SW Scotland Final Report, James Hutton Institute, 81pp.

Nisbet, T., Silgram, M., Shah, N., Morrow, K., and Broadmeadow, S. (2011). Woodland for Water: Woodland measures for meeting Water Framework Directive objectives. Summary of final report from Forest Research to the Environment Agency and Forestry Commission (England). ISBN: 978-1-84911-220-8. Environment Agency. July 2011.

Nisbet, T., Silgram, M., Shah, N., Morrow, K., and Broadmeadow, S. (2011). Woodland for Water: Woodland measures for meeting Water Framework Directive objectives (PDF-1912K). Forest Research Monograph, 4, Forest Research, Surrey, 156pp.

Morison. J., Vanguelova. E., Broadmeadow, S., Perks, M., Yamulki, S.and Randle, T.(2010). Understanding the GHG implications of forestry on peat soils in Scotland (PDF-2140K). Report compiled by FR staff for FC Scotland, August 2010.

Broadmeadow, S. and Nisbet, T. (2010). Opportunity mapping for woodland to reduce flooding in the Yorkshire and the Humber region (PDF-6947K). Forest Research Monograph, 1, Forest Research, Surrey, 64pp.

Broadmeadow, S., and Nisbet, T. (2010). Opportunity mapping for woodland creation to reduce diffuse sediment and phosphate pollution in the Lake District (PDF-4969K). Final report for the Woodland Trust, Natural England and Forestry Commission England. Forest Research, Surrey, 62pp.

Broadmeadow, S., and Nisbet, T. (2010) Opportunity mapping for woodland to reduce flooding in the River Derwent, Cumbria (PDF-4193K). Final report to Cumbria Woodlands, for the Woodland Trust, Natural England and Forestry Commission England. Forest Research, Surrey, 62pp.

Broadmeadow, S., Jones. J.G., Langford, T.E.L., Shaw, P.J. and Nisbet, T., (2010). The influence of riparian shade on lowland stream water temperatures in Southern England and their viability for Brown Trout. River Research and Applications DOI: 10.1002/rra.1354 Jan (2010).

Vanguelova, E. I., Benham, S., Pitman, R., Moffat, A. J., Broadmeadow, M., Nisbet, T., Durrant, D., Barsoum, N., Wilkinson, M., Bochereau, F., Hutchings, T., Broadmeadow, S., Crow, P., Taylor, P., and Durrant, T., (2010). Chemical fluxes in time through forest ecosystems in the UK – soil response to pollution recovery. Environmental Pollution 158(5): 1857 – 1869.

Dieleman, W., Luyssaert, S., Rey S.A., de Angelis, P., Barton, C., Broadmeadow, M., Chigwerewe, K., Crookshanks, M., Dufrêne, E., Broadmeadow, S., Jarvis, P.G., Kasurinen, A., Kellomaki, S., Le Dantec, V., Liberloo, M., Marek, M.V., Medlyn, B., Pokorný, R., Scarascia-Mugnozza, G., Temperton, V., Tingey, D., Urban, O., Ceulemans, R., Janssens, I., (2010). Soil [N] modulates soil C cycling in CO2-fumigated tree stands: a meta-analysis. Plant, Cell & Environment 33(12): 2001–2011, Dec 2010 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3040.(2010).02201.x

Broadmeadow, S., Nisbet, T., Silgram, M. and Morrow, K. (2009). Opportunity mapping for woodland creation to meet the objectives of the water framework directive. Final report to Forestry Commission England

Nisbet, T.R., Thomas, H. and Broadmeadow, S.B. (2008). Trees and Water – A Forestry Perspective. Journal of Practical Ecology and Conservation, 7(1): 100-103.

Nisbet, T.R., Orr, H., and Broadmeadow, S.B. (2008). Using woodland for soil protection and sediment control. In Proceedings of the SAC and SEPA Biennial Conference on Land Management in a Changing Environment, Edinburgh, 26-27 March 2008, pp 84-90.

Barsoum, N., Anderson, R., Broadmeadow, S., Bishop, H. and Nisbet, T. (2005). Development of eco-hydrological guidelines for wet woodland – Phase I. English Nature Research Report 619

Broadmeadow, S. and Nisbet, T.R. (2004). The effects of riparian forest management on the freshwater environment: a literature review of best management practice. Hydrology and Earth System Science, 8(3): 286-305

Nisbet, T., Orr, H., and Broadmeadow, S. (2004). A Guide to using Woodland for Sediment Control. Integrated land use planning and management can resolve sediment problems. Woodland can provide an effective solution. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh.

Nisbet, T. and Broadmeadow, S. (2003). Opportunity mapping for trees and floods. Final report to Parrett Catchment Wet Woodland Group.

Broadmeadow, S., and Nisbet, T. (2002). The Effect of Riparian Forest Management on the Freshwater Environment. SNIFFER SR(02)06F

Medlyn, B.E., Barton, C.V.M., Broadmeadow, M., Ceulemans, R., de Angelis, P., Forstreuter, M., Freeman, M., Jackson, S.B., Kellomäki, S., Laitat, E., Rey, A., Roberntz, P., Sigurdsson, B., Strassemeyer, J., Wang, K., Curtis, P.S. and Jarvis, P.G. (2001). Stomatal conductance of forest species after long term exposure to elevated CO2 concentrations: a synthesis. New Phytologist 149, 247-264.

Broadmeadow, M.S.J., Pitman, R.M., Jackson, S.B., Randle, T.J. and Durrant, D.W.H. (2000). Upgrading the level II protocol for physiological modelling of cause-effect relationships: A pilot study. Final report for EC project No. 98.60.UK.003.0. Forestry Commission, UK.

Broadmeadow, M.S.J., and Jackson, S.B. (2000). Growth responses of Quercus petraea, Fraxinus excelsior and Pinus sylvestris to elevated carbon dioxide, ozone and water supply. New Phytologist, 146, pp. 437-451.

Broadmeadow, M.S.J., Freer-Smith, P.H. and Jackson, S.B. (1999). Climate change – the evidence so far and predictions for tree growth. Irish Forestry 55, 122-132.

Broadmeadow, M.S.J., Beckett, P., Jackson, S.B., Freer-Smith, P.H., and Taylor, G. (1998). Trees and pollution abatement In “Report on Forest Research 1998”. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh.

Freer-Smith, P.H., Broadmeadow, M.S.J., and Jackson, S.B. (1997). The uptake of pollutants by trees: benefits to air quality. In “Trees for Shelter” (Eds. Palmer, H.,Gardiner, B.,Hislop, M., Sibbald, A., and Duncan, A.). Forestry Commission Technical Paper 21, Edinburgh, pp. 16 – 22.

MacDuff, J.H., and Jackson, S.B. (1992). Influx and efflux of Nitrate and Ammonium in Italian Ryegrass and White Clover roots: Comparison between effects of darkness and defoliation. Journal of Experimental Botany, 43, No. 249, pp. 123 -132.

MacDuff, J.H., and Jackson, S.B. (1991). Growth and preferences for Ammonium or Nitrate uptake by Barley in relation to root temperature. Journal of Experimental Botany, 42, pp. 521-530.