Rubén Manso
BSc, MSc, PhD
BSc, MSc, PhD
Rubén’s work focuses on different areas of expertise:
– Empirical modelling of tree properties that may have an impact on the timber properties of commercial species in Great Britain. Examples of this are the study of knot geometry, climate-driven cracking, and tree allometry under wind exposure.
– Construction of empirical dynamic models in collaboration with the Forest mensuration modelling and forecasting group of FR. The new generation of top height models for major species in Great Britain or a new growth model for improved Sitka spruce are the results of these efforts.
– Forest mensuration through aerial and terrestrial LiDAR and photogrammetry techniques through the adaptation of methods and algorithms to the reality of British forestry. Some ongoing projects in this respect include volume and taper mensuration and natural regeneration assessment in Sitka spruce.
– Participation in projects with partners and colleagues from Spain, France, Canada and Brazil in areas related to empirical modelling and forest inventory, with special focus on uncertainty assessments, lifetime analysis and development of statistical methods for forestry applications.
Rubén joined Forest Research in November 2016. He obtained his PhD degree from the Technical University of Madrid (Spain) in 2013. From 2013 to 2016, he worked in the INRA – Nancy (France). Most of Rubén’s research has focused on empirical modelling for forestry applications, forest inventory and uncertainty assessment.
Member of the Spanish Society of Forest Sciences
Member of the Computer-Aided Projection of Strategies in Silviculture (CAPSIS) community
Northern Research Station
Bush Estate
Knot Measurement & Modelling Using CT Scanning
The British forestry sector lacks reliable dynamic growth models for stands of improved Sitka spruce, the most important commercial forest type in Great Britain. The aim of this study is to fill this gap by trialling a new modelling framework and to lay the foundations of a future dynamic growth simulator for that forest type. […]
We developed a climatic sensitive model to simultaneously estimate the emergence and survival of Corsican pine natural regeneration in Spain through lifetime analysis. This work is highly relevant for managing the species in a context of climate change. Our modelling approach represents a breakthrough in the state of the art of lifetime analysis.
New dynamic top height models for 10 major species in Great Britain for pure, even-aged stands
Peer reviewed papers
Manso, R., Ligot, G., Fortin, M., 2019a. A recruitment model for beech–oak pure and mixed stands in Belgium. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research cpz056.
Manso, R., McLean, J.P., Ash, A., Achim, A., 2019b. Estimation of individual knot volumes by mixed-effects modelling. Can. J. For. Res. 81–88.
de-Dios-García, J., Manso, R., Calama, R., Fortin, M., Pardos, M., 2018. A new multifactorial approach for studying intraannual secondary growth dynamics in Mediterranean mixed forests: Integrating biotic and abiotic interactions. Canadian Journal of Forest Research.
Manso, R., Calama, R., Pardos, M., Fortin, M., 2018a. A maximum likelihood estimator for left-truncated lifetimes based on probabilistic prior information about time of occurrence. Journal of Applied Statistics 45, 2107–2127.
Manso, R., Ningre, F., Fortin, M., 2018b. Simultaneous Prediction of Plot-Level and Tree-Level Harvest Occurrences with Correlated Random Effects. Forest Science.
Pichancourt, J.-B., Manso, R., Ningre, F., Fortin, M., 2018. A carbon accounting tool for complex and uncertain greenhouse gas emission life cycles. Environmental Modelling & Software 107, 158–174.
Calama, R., Manso, R., Lucas-Borja, M.E., Espelta, J.M., Piqué, M., Bravo, F., Del Peso, C., Pardos, M., 2017. Natural regeneration in Iberian pines: A review of dynamic processes and proposals for management. Forest Systems 26, eR02S.
Fortin, M., Manso, R., Schneider, R., 2017. Parametric bootstrap estimators for hybrid inference in forest inventories. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research 1–12.
Kebbi-Benkeder, Z., Manso, R., Gérardin, P., Dumaray, S., Chopard, B., Colin, F., 2017. Knot extractives: a model for analysing the eco-physiological factors that control the within and between-tree variability. Trees 31, 1619–1633.
Melo, L., Schneider, R., Manso, R., Saucier, J.-P., Fortin, M., 2017. Using survival analysis to predict the harvesting of forest stands in Quebec, Canada. Canadian Journal of Forest Research.
Colet, C., Manso, R., Barbeito, I. 2017. Coexistence, association and competitive ability of Quercus petraea and Quercus robur seedlings in naturally regenerated mixed stands. Forest Ecology and Management, DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2017.01.021
Calama, R., Fortin, M., Pardos, M., Manso. R. 2017. Modelling spatiotemporal dynamics of Pinus pinea cone infestation by Dioryctria mendacella. Forest Ecology and Management, 389:136-148, DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2016.12.015
Fortin, M., Manso, R., Calama, R. (2016). Hybrid estimation based on mixed-effects models in forest inventories. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 46(11), DOI:10.1139/cjfr-2016-0298
Fortin, M., Robert, N., Manso, R. (2016). Uncertainty assessment of large-scale forest growth predictions based on a transition-matrix model in Catalonia. Annals of Forest Science. DOI: 10.1007/s13595-016-0538-5
Manso, R., Morneau, F., Ningre, F., Fortin, M. (2015a). Incorporating stochasticity from extreme climatic events and multi-species competition relationships into single-tree mortality models. Forest Ecology and Management 354:243-253,DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2015.06.008
Manso, R., Morneau, F., Ningre, F., Fortin, M. (2015b). Effect of climate and intra- and inter-specific competition on diameter increment in beech and oak stands. Forestry, DOI:10.1093/forestry/cpv020
Ruano, I., Manso, R., Fortin, M., Bravo, F. (2015) Extreme climate conditions limit seed availability to successfully attain natural regeneration of Pinus pinaster in sandy areas of Central Spain. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 45 (12)
Calama, R, Puértolas, J., Manso, R., Pardos, M (2015) Defining the optimal regeneration niche for Pinus pinea L. through physiology-based models for seedling survival and carbon assimilation. Trees 29 (6)
Keyes, CR., Manso, R. (2015) Climate-influenced ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) seed masting trends in western Montana, USA. Forest Systems 24 (1)
Ledo, A., Cayuela, L., Manso, R., Condes S. (2015) Recruitment patterns and potential mechanisms of community assembly in an Andean cloud forest. Journal of Vegetation Science 26 (5), DOI: 10.1111/jvs.12287
Calama, R., Manso, R., Barbeito, I., Madrigal, G., Gordo, J., Montero, G., Cañellas, I., Pardos, M. 2015. Do inter-specific differences in seed size determine natural regeneration traits in Pinus pinea and Pinus sylvestris?. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 13(2):387-404, DOI: 10.15666/aeer/1302_387404
Manso, R., Pardos, M., and Calama, R. (2014). Climatic factors control rodent seed predation in Pinus pinea L. stands in Central Spain. Annals of Forest Science, 71(8):873-883
Manso, R., Pukkala, T., Pardos, M., Miina, J., and Calama, R. (2014). Modelling Pinus pinea forest management to attain natural regeneration under present and future climatic scenarios. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 44(3):250-262
Manso, R., Calama, R., Madrigal, G., and Pardos, M. (2013). A silviculture-oriented spatiotemporal model for germination in Pinus pinea L. in the Spanish Northern Plateau based on a direct seeding experiment. European Journal of Forest Research, 132(5-6):969-982
Manso, R., Fortin, M., Calama, R., and Pardos, M. (2013). Modelling seed germination in forest tree species through survival analysis. The Pinus pinea L. case study. Forest Ecology and Management, 289:515-524
Manso, R., Pardos, M., Keyes, C. R., and Calama, R. (2012). Modelling the spatio-temporal pattern of primary dispersal in stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) stands in the Northern Plateau (Spain). Ecological Modelling, 226:11-21
Book chapters
Calama, R., Madrigal, G. Manso, R., Garriga, E., Gordo, F.J., Pardos, M. 2012. Germinación, emergencia y supervivencia de regenerado en Pinus pinea L. In Gordo, F.J., Calama, R., Pardos, M., Bravo, F., Montero, G. (eds) La regeneración natural de los pinares en los arenales de la Meseta Castellana Instituto. Universitario de Investigación en Gestión Forestal Sostenible. Universidad de Valladolid-INIA, Valladolid [in Spanish]
Madrigal, G., Pardos, M., and Garriga, E., Montero, G., Manso, R., Calama, R. 2012. Sitios de ensayo INIA de regeneración natural de Pinus pinea L. In Gordo, F.J., Calama, R., Pardos, M., Bravo, F., Montero, G. (eds) La regeneración natural de los pinares en los arenales de la Meseta Castellana Instituto. Universitario de Investigación en Gestión Forestal Sostenible. Universidad de Valladolid-INIA, Valladolid [in Spanish]
Manso, R., Calama, R., Madrigal, G., Garriga, E., De Blas, S., Gordo, F.J., Pardos, M. 2012. Dispersión primaria, dispersión secundaria y predación post-dispersión en Pinus pinea L. In Gordo, F.J., Calama, R., Pardos, M., Bravo, F., Montero, G. (eds) La regeneración natural de los pinares en los arenales de la Meseta Castellana Instituto. Universitario de Investigación en Gestión Forestal Sostenible. Universidad de Valladolid-INIA, Valladolid [in Spanish]
Other publications
Manso, R. 2014. Modelo integral de regeneración natural para Pinus pinea L. en la meseta norte (España) / An integral model for natural regeneration of Pinus pinea L. in the northern plateau (Spain). Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales, 40:215-218
Fortin, M. Manso, R. 2013. Mathilde: A distance-independent model for European beech and sessile oak under even-aged management.[in French]