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Becks seeks to identify where and how forest restoration, conservation and management can be spatially targeted across different environmental and social contexts in order to enhance biodiversity and ecosystem services.


Postdoctoral research associate, School of Geography and Environmental Science, University of Southampton

Spatial scientist

Alice Holt

Alice Holt Lodge




Related Research


SCALEFORES: Scaling Rules For Ecosystem Service Mapping

We are working with Southampton University and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology to develop and test novel modelling frameworks to explore the drivers of ecosystem services at different spatial scales in order to predict and map their delivery.

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Other Research

SCALEFORES: Scaling Rules For Ecosystem Service Mapping

Peer reviewed journal articles

• Spake, R., Mori, A. S., Beckmann, M., Martin, P. A., Christie, A., Duguid, M., & Doncaster, C. (Accepted/In press). Implications of scale dependence for cross-study syntheses of biodiversity differences. Ecology Letters.
• Bellamy, C., Boughey, K. L., Hawkins, C., Reveley, S., Spake, R., Williams, C., & Altringham, J. (2020). A sequential multi-level framework to improve habitat suitability modelling. Landscape Ecology, 35(4), 1001-1020.
• Spake, R., Bellamy, C., Gill, R., Watts, K., Ditchburn, B., & Eigenbrod, F. (2020). Forest damage by deer depends on cross-scale interactions between climate, deer density and landscape structure. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57(7), 1376-1390.
• Eigenbrod, F., Holland, R., Spake, R., Graham, L., & Dunnett, S. L. (2020). Identifying agricultural frontiers for modelling global cropland expansion. One Earth, 3(4), 504-514.
• Konno, K., Akasaka, Koshida, C., Katayama, N., Osada, N., Spake, R., & Amano, T. (2020). Ignoring non-English-language studies may bias ecological meta-analyses. Ecology and Evolution, 10(13), 6373-6384.
• Spake, R., Soga, M., Kawamura, K., Cooke, R., Yamaura, Y., & Eigenbrod, F. (2020). Regional variability in landscape effects on forest bird communities. Landscape Ecology, 35(5), 1055–1071.
o Jeliazkov, A., Mijatovic, D., Chantepie, S., Andrew, N., Arlettaz, R., Barbaro, L., Barsoum, N., Bartonova, A., Belskaya, E., Bonada, N., Brind’Amour, A., Carvalho, R., Castro, H., Chmura, D., Choler, P., Chong-Seng, K., Cleary, D., Cormont, A., Cornwell, W., … Chase, J. M. (2020). A global database for metacommunity ecology, integrating species, traits, environment and space. Scientific Data, 7(1), [6].
• Spake, R., Bellamy, C., Graham, L., Watts, K., Wilson, T., Norton, L., Wood, C., Schmucki, R., Bullock, J. M., & Eigenbrod, F. (2019). An analytical framework for spatially targeted management of natural capital. Nature Sustainability, 2, 90-97.
• Graham, L. J., Spake, R., Gillings, S., Watts, K., & Eigenbrod, F. (2019). Incorporating fine-scale environmental heterogeneity into broad-extent models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 10(6), 767-778.
• Spake, R., Yanou, S., Yamaura, Y., Kawamura, K., Kitayama, K., & Doncaster, C. (2019). Meta-analysis of management effects on biodiversity in plantation and secondary forests of Japan. Conservation Science and Practice, 1(3), [e14].
• Doncaster, C. P., & Spake, R. (2018). Correction for bias in meta-analysis of little-replicated studies. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9(3), 634-644.
• Ratto, F., Simmons, B. I., Spake, R., Zamora-Gutierrez, V., MacDonald, M. A., Merriman, J. C., Tremlett, C. J., Poppy, G. M., Peh, K. S-H., & Dicks, L. V. (2018). Global importance of vertebrate pollinators for plant reproductive success: a meta-analysis. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 16(2), 82-90.
• Spake, R., Lasseur, R., Crouzat, E., Bullock, J. M., Lavorel, S., Parks, K. E., Schaafsma, M., Bennett, E. M., Maes, J., Mulligan, M., Mouchet, M., Peterson, G. D., Schulp, C. J. E., Thuiller, W., Turner, M. G., Verburg, P. H., & Eigenbrod, F. (2017). Unpacking ecosystem service bundles: towards predictive mapping of synergies and trade-offs between ecosystem services. Global Environmental Change, 47, 37-50.
• Spake, R., & Doncaster, C. P. (2017). Use of meta-analysis in forest biodiversity research: key challenges and considerations. Forest Ecology and Management, 400, 429-437.
• Spake, R., Barsoum, N., Newton, A. C., & Doncaster, C. P. (2016). Drivers of the composition and diversity of carabid functional traits in UK coniferous plantations. Forest Ecology and Management, 359, 300-308.
• Spake, R., van der Linde, S., Newton, A. C., Suz, L. M., Bidartondo, M. I., & Doncaster, C. P. (2016). Similar biodiversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi in set-aside plantations and ancient old-growth broadleaved forests. Biological Conservation, 194, 71-79.
• Spake, R., Ezard, T. H. G., Martin, P. A., Newton, A. C., & Doncaster, C. P. (2015). A meta-analysis of functional group responses to forest recovery outside the tropics. Conservation Biology, 1-9.
• Harris, Z. M., Spake, R., & Taylor, G. (2015). Land use change to bioenergy: A meta-analysis of soil carbon and GHG emissions. Biomass and Bioenergy, 82, 27-39.