Paul Taylor
MA, MSc, MPhil
MA, MSc, MPhil
Forest Research Data Manager
Responsibilities include providing support to scientific and systems projects as required. This currently includes design and maintenance of databases and associated intranet interfaces.
Paul is also strongly involved in obtaining external datasets for Forest Research. Conversely, Paul is involved in making Forest Research Data more publicly available in line with the government’s open data policy.
Paul Taylor joined Forest Research in 2001, as part of the Short Rotation Coppice (SRC) project and was soon involved in data management on a broader scale. He has since been involved as data manager on a variety of many other projects within FR.
Forest Research
Northern Research Station
Midlothian EH25 9SY
Tree health diagnostic and advisory service – DBA and support (including TreeAlert and Observatree)
Combined Experiment Database and other internal databases – DBA and support
FR’s Inspire and #OpenDefra open data contributions
FutMon – data delivery
Knowledge exchange activities (other delivery channels)
2013 – Initial submissions towards Forest Research’s INSPIRE contributions
2016 – Responsible for Forest Research’s non-GIS contributions towards #OpenDefra