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Lisa’s role is to provide leadership to the pathology team within the Science Group ensuring connectedness and a joined up pathology research strategy. The role also provides pathology advice and FR representation to external customers and stakeholders. Lisa is officially based in York with regular travel to support Pathology teams in Forest Research’s Alice Holt and Northern Research Stations.

Lisa has previously held management and leadership roles in different scientific and government organisations in the UK and New Zealand.  Prior to joining FR, Lisa was the Principal Biosecurity and Pathology Scientist in the Royal Horticultural Society and was responsible for overseeing plant health and biosecurity across the RHS including the development of plant health policies and standards, response preparedness, and the delivery of surveillance programmes. Before joining the RHS, Lisa managed the Virology and Quarantine team in the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries delivering diagnostic services for viruses and virus-like organisms for plant imports and exports, surveillance, and response, and managing the provision of quarantine services. She was a molecular plant pathologist for six years in Fera developing diagnostic tools for plant and honeybee viruses and worked in Montana State University researching biocontrol methods for non-native grass species. Lisa did her PhD in Edinburgh University on the use of fungi as biological control agents of cereal diseases.

Head of Pathology
Tree health

Foss House


North Yorkshire


Peer reviewed journal articles

Douglas, L.I. and Deacon, J.W. (1994). Strain variation in tolerance of water-stress by Idriella bolleyi, a biocontrol agent of cereal root and stem base pathogens. Biocontrol Science and Technology 4, 239-249.

Douglas, L.I., Petroff, R., Stone, J., Winchell, C., Johnson, M., Leonard, K. and Sands, D.C. (1996). Puccinia coronata, a possible biocontrol agent of Avena spp. on San Clemente Island. Phytopathology (Abstract).

Douglas, L.I., Carsten, L.D., Johnston, M. R. and Sands, D.C. (1997). Evaluation of Puccinia coronata as a biocontrol agent of wild oats on San Clemente Island. Phytopathology 87, S25.

Johnston, M.R., Carsten, L.D., Douglas, L.I. and Sands, D.C. (2000). Epidemic development and virulence in 1995-1998 of Puccinia coronata, a potential biocontrol agent of wild oats on San Clemente Island. Biological Control 17, 250-257.

Ratti, C., Clover, G.R.G., Ward, L.I., Rubies-Autonell, C., Budge, G.E. and Henry, C.M. (2002). Development of a real-time PCR assay to investigate the resistance of wheat varieties to soil-borne wheat mosaic virus. Journal of Plant Pathology 84, 191-196.

Ward, L.I., Fenn, M. and Henry, C.M. (2004). Development of a rapid method for detection of Polymyxa spp. in soil. Journal of Plant Pathology, 53, 485-490.

Ratti, C., Budge, G.E., Ward, L.I., Clover, G.R.G., Rubies-Autonell, C. and Henry, C.M. (2004). Detection and relative quantitation of Soil-borne cereal mosaic virus (SBMWV) and Polymyxa graminis in winter wheat using real-time PCR (TaqMan). Journal of Virological Methods 122, 95-103.

Ward, L.I., Beales, P.A., Barnes, A.V. and Lane, C.R. (2004). A real-time PCR assay based method for routine diagnosis of Spongospora subterranea on potato tubers. Journal of Phytopathology 152 (11-12), 633-638.

Chantawannakul, P., Ward, L.I., Boonham, N. and Brown, M. (2006). The detection of honeybee viruses using real-time PCR (TaqManÒ) in Varroa mites collected from a Thai honeybee (Apis mellifera) apiary. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 91, 69-73.

Ward, L.I., McGrath, C., Stubbley, H. Budge, G.E. and Boonham, N. (2005). Molecular analysis of the UK Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) containing RNA5. Proceedings for the International Working Group for Viruses with Fungal Vectors.

Ward, L.I., Waite, R., Boonham, N., Fisher, T., Brown, M., Chantawannakul, P., Taylor, M. Thompson. H. and Bew, M. (2007). First detection of Kashmir Bee Virus in the UK using real-time PCR. Apidologie. 38, 181-190.

Ward, L.I., Brown, M., Neumann, P., Wilkins, S., Pettis, J. and Boonham, N. (2007). A DNA method for screening hive debris for the presence of small hive beetle (Aethina tumida). Apidologie 38, 272-280.

Ward, L.I., Koenig, R., Budge, G.E., Garrido, C., McGrath, C., Stubbley H. and Boonham, N. (2007). Occurrence of Two Different Types of RNA 5-Containing Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus in the UK. Archives of Virology 152, 59-73.

Ward, L.I., Tang, J.Z., Quinn, B.D., Martin, E.J. and Clover, G.R.G. (2008). First report of Tulip virus X in New Zealand. Plant Pathology 57, 1172. Doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3059.2008.01926.x.

Ward, L.I., Quinn, B.D., Tang, J.Z., Wei, T. and Clover, G.R.G. (2008). Strawberry mottle virus detected on strawberry in New Zealand. Plant Pathology 57, 1172.

Ward L.I., Perez-Egusquiza, Z., Fletcher, J.D., Ochoa-Corona, F.M., Tang, J.Z., Quinn, B.D., Martin, E.J., Liefting, L.W., Pappu, H.R. and Clover G.R.G. (2008). First report of Iris yellow spot virus on Allium cepa in New Zealand. Plant Pathology 52, 406.

Ward L.I., Tang, J.Z. and Clover, G.R.G (2008). First report of Wisteria vein mosaic virus in New Zealand. Plant Disease 92, 1134. (DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-92-7-1134B).

Liefting, L.W., Ward, L.I., Shiller, J.B. and Clover, G.R.G. (2008). A New ‘Candidatus Liberibacter’ Species in Solanum betaceum (Tamarillo) and Physalis peruviana (Cape Gooseberry) in New Zealand. Plant Disease 92, 1588.

Liefting, L.W., Sutherland, P.W., Ward, L.I., Paice, K.L., Weir, B.S. and Clover, G.R.G. (2008). A new ‘Candidatus Liberibacter’ species associated with diseases of Solanaceous crops. Plant Disease 93, 208-214.

Perez-Egusquiza, Z., Ward, L.I., Clover, G.R.G. and Fletcher, J.D. (2008). First report of Shallot virus X in shallot in New Zealand. Plant Pathology, 52, 407.

Ward, L.I. (2008). Diagnosing virus diseases in New Zealand’s Allium crops. MPI Biosecurity Magazine, Issue 85 (1st August). pp. 14.

Perez-Egusquiza, Z., Ward, L.I., Fletcher, J.D. and Clover, G.R.G. (2008). Survey of viruses infecting Allium crops in New Zealand. Grower (July), 63, 36-37.

Ward, L.I., Delmiglio, C., Hill, C.F. and Clover, G.R.G. (2009). First report of Tobacco ringspot virus on Sophora microphylla, a native tree of New Zealand. Plant Pathology 58, 784.

Ward, L.I., Perez-Egusquiza, Z., Fletcher, J. D. and Clover, G.R.G. (2009). A survey of viral diseases of Allium crops in New Zealand. Australasian Plant Pathology 38, 533-539.

Perez-Egusquiza, Z., Ward, L.I., Clover, G.R.G. and Fletcher, J.D. (2009). Detection of Sweet potato virus 2 in sweet potato in New Zealand. Plant Disease 93, 427.

Liefting, L.W., Veerakone, S., Ward, L.I. and Clover, G.R.G. (2009). First report of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma australiense‘ in potato. Plant Disease 93, 969.

Ward, L.I., Veerakone, S. and Clover, G.R.G. (2009). First report of Narcissus degeneration virus, Narcissus late season yellows and Narcissus symptomless virus on Narcissus in New Zealand. Plant Disease 93, 964.

Ward, L.I., Tang, J. Z., Veerakone, S. and Clover, G.R.G. (2010). First report of Potato spindle tuber viroid in Cape Gooseberry (Physalis peruviana) in New Zealand. Plant Disease 94, 479.

Harper, S.J., Ward, L.I., and Clover, G.R.G. (2010). Development of LAMP and real-time PCR methods for the rapid detection of Xylella fastidiosa for quarantine and field applications. Phytopathology 100, 1282-1288.

Harper, S.J., Delmiglio, C., Ward, L.I., and Clover, G.R.G. (2011). Detection of Tomato black ring virus by real-time one-step RT-PCR. Journal of Virological Methods 171, 190-194.

Ward, L.I., Ho, W.H., Harper, S.J., Delmiglio, C., Pan, K., George, S., Alexander, B.J.R., Kumarasinghe, L., Clover, G.R.G. and Flynn, A. (2010). Better protection, better detection; improving MPI Biosecurity New Zealand’s diagnostic capability: Paddock to PCR: Demystifying molecular techniques for practical plant protection. New Zealand Plant Protection Society pp 29-35.

Liefting, L.W., Veerakone, S., Clover, G.R.G. and Ward, L.I. (2011). An update on phytoplasma disease in New Zealand. Bulletin of Insectology 64, S93-94.

Ward, L.I., Burnip, G.M., Liefting, L.W., Harper, S.J. and Clover, G.R.G. (2011). First report of Grapevine yellow speckle viroid 1 and Hop stunt viroid in grapevine Vitis vinifera) in New Zealand. Plant Disease 95, 617.

Veerakone, S., Liefting, L.W., Lebas, B.S.M. and Ward, L.I. (2012) First report of Cherry leaf roll virus in Hydrangea macrophylla. Plant Disease 96, 463.

Verbeek, M., Tang, J. and Ward, L.I. (2012). Two generic PCR primer sets for the detection of members of the genus Torradovirus. Journal of Virological Methods 185: 184-188.

Tang, J., Ward, L.I. and Clover G.R.G (2012) The Diversity of Strawberry latent ringspot virus in New Zealand. Plant Disease 97: 662-667.

Perez-Egusquiza, Z., Liefting, L.W., Ward, L.I. (2013) First report of Rose yellow vein virus in Rosa sp. in New Zealand. Plant Disease 97: 1122.

Milleza, E.J.M., Ward, L.I., Delmiglio, C., Tang, J.Z., Veerakone, S., Perez-Egusquiza Z. (2013) A survey of viruses infecting Rosa spp. in New Zealand. Australasian Plant Pathology 42: 313-320.

Perez-Egusquiza, Z., Liefting, L.W., and Ward, L.I. (2013). First report of Rose yellow vein virus in Rosa sp. In New Zealand. Plant Disease 97: 1122.

Tang J., Ward L.I., and Clover G.R.G. (2013). The Diversity of Strawberry latent ringspot virus in New Zealand. Plant Disease 97: 662-667.

Perez-Egusquiza, Z., Tang, J.Z., Ward, L.I., and Fletcher, J.D. (2014). The truth about Pea mild mosaic virus. Australasian Plant Pathology 43: 193-196.

Tang, J., Khan, S., Delmiglio, C., and Ward, L.I. (2014). Sensitive detection of Tomato ringspot virus by real-time TaqMan RT-PCR targeting the highly conserved 3′-UTR region. Journal of Virological Methods 201: 38-43.

Z. Perez-Egusquiza, L.I. Ward, and G. R. G. Clover (2014). Detection of a new ilarvirus infecting wild radish in New Zealand. Australasian Plant Disease Notes 9: 133.

Khan, S; Mackay, J; Liefting, L; Ward, L.I. (2015) Development of a duplex one-step RT-qPCR assay for the simultaneous detection of Apple scar skin viroid and plant RNA internal control. Journal of Virological Methods 221: 100-105.

Veerakone, S., Tang J.Z., Ward, L.I., Liefting L. W., Perez-Egusquiza, Z., Lebas, B.S.M., Delmiglio, C., Fletcher, J.D., Guy P.L. (2015) A review of the plant virus, viroid, liberibacter and phytoplasma records for New Zealand. Australasian Plant Pathology 44: 463-5143.

Tang, J., Iqram, A., Elliott, C., Ward, L.I. (2015). Identification of Eggplant mottled dwarf virus in PEQ Hibiscus syriacus plants imported from Australia. Australasian Plant Disease Notes 10: 6.

Ochoa-Corona F.M., Lebas B.S.M, Ward, L.I. 2015. New Zealand stresses that it is High Plains virus free, and the virus struggles with an identity crisis. Journal of Virology 89: 7439 –7440.

Tang J.Z., Lebas B.S.M, Veerakone, Liefting L.W., Veerakone, S. Wei, T., Ward, L.I., (2015) Opium poppy mosaic virus, a tentative member of Umbravirus isolated from Papaver somniferum in New Zealand. Archives of Virology 161:197-201.

Immanuel T, Delmiglio C, Ward L.I., Denton J, Clover, G (2015) First reports of Grapevine virus A, Grapevine fleck virus, and Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 1 in the United Kingdom. Plant Disease 99(6): 898.

Immanuel T, Delmiglio C, Ward L.I., Denton J, Clover, G (2015) Grapevine rupestris stem pitting-associated virus detected in Vitis vinifera in the United Kingdom. New Disease Reports 31:10.

Fletcher, J., Tang, J.Z., Blouin, A., Ward, L.I., MacDiarmid, R., Ziebell, H. (2016) Red clover vein mosaic virus – a novel virus to New Zealand that is already wide-spread in legumes. Plant Disease 100 (5) 890-895.

Delmiglio, C., Fan, Q.H., George, S., Ward, L.I., Budge, G., Flynn, A., Kumarasinghe, L. (2016). Development and evaluation of a Real-Time PCR assay for the detection of Acarapis woodi (tracheal mites) in Apis mellifera. Apidologie.

Tang, J., Veerakone, S., Ward, L.I. (2016) First report of Tradescantia mild mosaic virus in Tradescantia spp. in New Zealand. Plant Disease

Lebas, B.S.M., Veerakone, S., Liefting, L.W., Tang, J., Perez-Egusquiza, Z., von Bargen, S., Ward, L.I. (2016). Comparison of diagnostic techniques for the detection and differentiation of Cherry leaf roll virus strains for quarantine purposes. Journal of Virological Methods 234: 142-151.

Tang, J., Khan, S., Quinn, B., Veerakone, S., Milleza, E., & Ward L.I. (2017). First Report of Spiranthes mosaic virus 3 in Phlox spp. in New Zealand. Plant Disease DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-11-16-1681-PDN

Veerakone, S., Liefting, L. W., Tang, J., & Ward, L.I. (2017). The complete nucleotide sequence and genome organisation of a novel Betaflexiviridae from Actinidia chinensis. Archives of Virology

Barrero, RA, Napier, KR, Cunnington, J, Liefting, L, Keenan, S, Frampton, R, Szabo, T, Bulman, S, Hunter, A, Ward, L, Whattam, M and Bellgard, MI (2017) An internet-based bioinformatics toolkit for Plant Biosecurity diagnosis and surveillance of viruses and viroids. BMC Bioinformatics 18,6.

Veerakone, S., Tang, J., Zheng, A., and Ward L.I. (2018). First Report of Clover yellow mosaic virus in PEQ Tulipa gesneriana plants imported from the USA. Plant Disease 102 (2): 464.

Veerakone, S., Tang, J., Zheng, A., & Ward, L.I. (2018). First Report of Turnip yellows virus in Daphne odora in New Zealand. Plant Disease

Tang, J., Ng, F., Kanchiraopally, D., Ward, L.I. (2020) Development of TaqMan real-time RT-PCR for sensitive detection of diverse Raspberry ringspot virus isolates. Journal of Virological Methods (278)

Tang, J., Delmiglio, C., Ward, L., Thompson, J. (2022) Complete nucleotide sequence of sweetbriar rose curly-top associated virus, a tentative member of the genus Waikavirus. Arch Virol


Book Chapters

Ward, L.I. and Harper, S.J. (2012). Loop-mediated Isothermal amplification (LAMP) for the detection of plant pathogens. In chapter: Plant DNA fingerprinting and barcoding, Methods in Molecular Biology Series 862, 161-170.

Ward, L.I., Immanuel, T.M., Khan, S., Liefting, L.W., Delmiglio, C. (2016) Conventional PCR. In chapter: Molecular Methods in Plant Disease Diagnostics, Principles and Protocols. Eds Neil Boonham, Jenny Tomlinson and Rick Mumford. CABI, 7-16.