Kris is a Research Statistician providing a broad range of support for FR scientists including sampling, processing, analysing, visualising, interpreting, and publishing data. Kris’s main statistical programmes are R, Excel, and ImageJ. Kris is keen to share and training on statistical knowledge, programming skills, and best practise.
Kris initially joined FR in 2021 as an Urban Forest Research Scientist, working on i-Tree Eco natural capital accounting projects, the UK urban canopy cover webmap, and empirical urban cooling research.
Kris’s roles outside FR include being a teaching fellow with the international charity Science Corps, a Senior Statistical Officer at the Office for National Statistics in the Covid Infection Survey, a marine biologist in the Norwegian Norsk Polar Institute, and a research technician in the Maklakov gerontology research group at the University of East Anglia (UEA).
Kris received an integrated Masters in Natural Sciences in 2014 from UEA. He continued his studies there in the Gage evolutionary research group with EnvEast funding, to complete an award-winning PhD in 2019 on the impact of climate change on insect fertility.
Kris has been enthusiastic about sharing scientific knowledge. For example, by authoring blogs in website like Scienvy and the Conversation. As a Fellow of Higher Education he has taught on several university modules including woodland ecology on a residential field course in Killarney National Park between 2016-2019.
Peer reviewed journal articles
Selected publications (Please see ResearchGate and Google Scholar for a full list):
Academic papers
- Gould et al. 2024. Same data, different analysts: variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology. EcoEvoRxiv, in review. View article (
- Sales, K.; Walker, H.; Sparrow, K.; Handley, P.; Vaz Monteiro, M.; Hand, K.L.; Buckland, A.; Chambers-Ostler, A.; Doick, K.J. 2023. The canopy cover Webmap of the United Kingdom’s towns and cities. Arboricultural Journal. 45(4): 258-289. 1080/03071375.2023.2233864.
- Sales, K.; Gardner, J.; O’Neill, L.; Vasudeva, R. 2023. A reason why insects cannot stand the heat of climate change? Frontiers for Young Minds. 8: 201717 3389/frym.2023.863219.
- Ivimey-Cook, E.R.; Sales, K.; Carlsson, H.; Immler, S.; Chapman, T.; Maklakov, A.A. 2021. Transgenerational fitness effects of lifespan extension by dietary restriction in Caenorhabditis elegans. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 288: 1950. 1098/rspb.2021.0701.
- Sales, K.; Vasudeva, R.; Gage, M.J.G. 2021. Reproductive impacts of heatwave conditions on different life stages and their recovery in a model insect. Royal Society Open Science. 8: 201717. 1098/rsos.201717.
- Sales, K.; Vasudeva, R.; Dickinson, M.E.; Godwin, J.L.; Lumley, A.J.; Michalczyk, Ł.; Hebberecht, L.; Thomas, P; Franco, A.; Gage, M.J.G. 2018. Experimental heatwaves damage sperm function and cause transgenerational fitness decline in a model insect. Nature Communications. 9: 4771. 1038/s41467-018-07273-z.
- Sales, K.; Trent, T.; Gardner, J.; Lumley, A.J.; Vasudeva, R.; Michalczyk, L.; Martin, O.Y.; Gage, M.J.G. 2018. Experimental evolution with an insect model reveals that male homosexual behaviour occurs due to inaccurate mate choice. Animal Behaviour. 139: 51-59. 1016/j.anbehav.2018.03.004.
- Murray, D.S.; Kainz, M.J.; Hebberecht, L.; Sales, K.; Hindar, K.; Gage, M.J.G. 2018. Comparisons of reproductive function and fatty acid fillet quality between triploid and diploid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Royal Society Open. Science 5(8): 180493. 1098/rsos.180493.
- Sales, K.; Kerr, L.; Gardner, J. 2016. Factors influencing epiphytic moss and lichen distribution within Killarney National Park. Bioscience Horizons. 9: 1. 1093/biohorizons/hzw008.
ONS official publications
FR official publications
- Sales, K.; Walker, H.; Handley, P.; Chambers-Ostler, A.; Sparrow, K.; Doick, K.J. 2023. Valuing Monmouthshire’s Urban Trees; A report to Monmouthshire County Council. Forest Research, Farnham: 88. 13140/RG.2.2.10826.75205.
- Doick, K.J.; Handley, P.; Sales, K.; Sparrow, K.; Vaz Monteiro, M.; Bursnell, M.; Saraev, V.; Valatin, G. 2022. Valuing Non-Woodland Trees Future Proofing Plant Health High level summary. Forest Research, Farnham: 121. 13140/RG.2.2.18904.16647.
- Sales, K.; Chambers-Ostler, A.; Walker, H.; Handley, P.; Sparrow, K.; Hill, D.; Doick, K.J. 2022. Valuing Derby’s Urban Trees; A report to Derby City Council. Forest Research, Farnham: 122. 13140/RG.2.2.22990.23360.
- Sales, K.; Doick, K.J. 2022. Monitoring Urban Tree Ecosystem Service Provision the potential of Wireless remote sensor networks. Forest Research, Farnham: 67.
- Sparrow, K.; Doick, K.J.; Walker, H.; Sales, K.; Handley, P.; Chambers-Ostler, A. 2022. Harnessing The Power Of Citizen Science To Map UK Urban Canopy Cover. Institute of Chartered Foresters Magazine: 12-13.
- Sparrow, K.; Sales, K.; Doick, K.J. 2022. Investigating differences in tree growth at Bonnett’s Wood Extension, Thames Chase: 24.