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Jodie joined the Society and Environment Research Group (SERG) in July 2024. She is a primarily qualitative researcher with a keen interest in interdisciplinary collaboration. Her initial projects at Forest Research centre on the social dimensions of tree health and biosecurity.

Prior to joining Forest Research, Jodie completed her PhD at the University of Leeds which addressed the role of faith-based organisations in climate action and advocacy at the UN, with a particular focus on the UNFCCC, the UNEP, and COP26.

Alongside her PhD, she worked as a research consultant specialising in the social and religious dimensions of climate change and environmental sustainability.

In her freelance work, she has supported several international projects including mapping religious environmental initiatives, promoting climate-responsible finance, and exploring the intersections between gender, religion and rainforests.

Jodie Salter

BA (Hons), MA, PhD
Social Scientist
Society and environment research group (SERG)

Foss House
