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I joined Forest Research in January 2024 to contribute to research that supports biodiversity and wildlife recovery in UK forests. I work as part of the Land Use and Ecosystem services team and working on collating and developing the evidence basis for biodiversity actions in Local Nature Recovery Strategies.

Prior to joining FR I obtained my MRes and PhD from Bournemouth University, Where I studied forest structure, microclimate variation, and mammal ecology in tropical forests in Sumatra, Indonesia. After my PhD, I completed a post-doc with Newcastle University to support the IUCN Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Targets Task Force in reviewing the scientific basis for the global goals, targets, and biodiversity indicators in the Convention on Biological Diversity’s Global Biodiversity Framework. I have also contributed to research exploring species-environment relationships of forest mammals, climate change adaptation actions for biodiversity in protected areas, and forest resilience.

Helen Slater

PhD, MRes, BSC
Spatial Scientist
Land use and ecosystem services (LUES)


Related Publications


The management and creation of woodland for biodiversity and wider environmental benefits

Woodland creation and management deliver a wide range of environmental benefits. The extent of those benefits is determined by a range of factors, including the type of woodland, the way it is managed, and its position in the landscape. This Research Note summarises current evidence on how the management, creation, and configuration of woodlands within […]


Other Research

Peer reviewed journal articles

Gillingham, P.K., Britton, R.J., Jones, G., Miller-Rushing, A., Stafford, R., and Slater, H.D. (2024). Climate change adaptation for biodiversity in protected areas: An overview of global actions. Biological Conservation, 289, 110375.

Slater, H. D., Gillingham, P. K., Pratt, V., Eaton, B., Fletcher, S., Abdullah, Supriadi, and Korstjens, A. H. (2023). Living on the edge: Forest edge effects on microclimate and terrestrial mammal activity in disturbed lowland forest in Sumatra, Indonesia. Oryx, 1-12.

Hankinson, E., Korstjens, A. H. K., Hill, R., Wich, S., Slater, H. D., Abdullah, Supriadi, Marsh, C., and Nijman, V. (2022). Effects of anthropogenic disturbance on group densities of Thomas’ langurs (Presbytis thomasi) within a lowland tropical forest, north Sumatra. Ecological Research. 

Maggs, G., Slater, H. D., and McGowan, P. J. K. (2022). How can we increase capacity for species conservation in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework? Oryx, 56(3), 321-322.

Williams, K. A., Slater, H. D., Gillingham, P., and Korstjens, A. H., (2021). Environmental factors are stronger predictors of primate species’ distributions than basic biological traits. International Journal of Primatology, 42(3), 404-425.

Harrison, N. J., Hill, R. A., Alexander, C., Marsh, C. D., Nowak, M. G., Abdullah, A., Slater, H. D., and Korstjens, A. H., 2020. Sleeping trees and sleep-related behaviours of the siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) in a tropical lowland rainforest, Sumatra, Indonesia. Primates, 1, 3.

Slater, H. D., and Abdullah, A., 2020. The importance of forests as microclimate refuges for mammals in Sumatra. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1460, No. 1, p. 012051). IOP Publishing.

Bramer, I., Anderson, B., Bennie, J., Bladon, A., Frenne, P. de, Hemming, D., Hill, R. A., Kearney, M. R., Korner, C., Korstjens, A. H., Lenoir, J., Marsh, C. D., Morecroft, M. D., Slater, H. D., Suggitt, A. J., Zellweger, F., and Gillingham, P. K., 2018. Advances in Monitoring and Modelling Climate at Ecologically Relevant Scales. Advances in Ecological Research, 58, 101–161.

Korstjens, A. H., Slater, H. D., and Hankinson, E., 2018. Predicting African primate species’ responses to climate change. In: Primatology, Biocultural Diversity and Sustainable Development in Tropical Forests. Mexico City: UNESCO, 186–204.