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Kate’s work focuses on forest carbon modelling for the UK GHG inventory. Her current projects include upgrading the forest carbon model ‘carbine’ and reviewing methods to report carbon stocks in trees outside woodland.

Kate joined the Mensuration, Growth and Yield team in 2023. She has previous experience in urban tree modelling, urban tree mensuration, citizen science, ecology, and policy. She earned her PhD from the Open University in 2023, where she researched the evidence base of ecosystem services for urban trees. Prior to this, she was part of the Urban Forest Research Group at Forest Research, concentrating on modelling the ecosystem services provided by urban trees.


British Ecological Society

Forest Ecology deputy chair

Dr Kathryn (Kate) Hand

BSc, MSc, PhD
Forest Data Scientist
Mensuration, growth and yield


Peer reviewed journal articles

Yang, W., Wilkes, P., Vicari, M.B., Hand, K., Calders, K., Disney, M. 2024. Treegraph: tree architecture from terrestrial laser scanning point clouds. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.

Sales, K., Walker, H., Sparrow, K., Handley, P., Vaz Monteiro, M., Hand, K.L., Buckland, A., Chambers-Ostler, A. and Doick, K.J., 2023. The canopy cover Webmap of the United Kingdom’s towns and cities. Arboricultural Journal, 45(4), pp.258-289.

Hand, K.L., Rix, H., Stokes, J., Doick, K.J. 2022. The creation, content and use of urban tree strategies by English local governments. Arboricultural Journal Hand, K.L., & Wentworth, J. 2022. Financial Risks of Nature Loss. POSTnote #667.

Hand, K.L., & Doick, K.J. 2021. Selecting urban trees for ecosystem service provision. Forest Research. Hand, K.L., & Doick, K.J. 2019. Understanding the role of urban tree management on ecosystem services. Forest Research, FRRN039.

Hand, K.L., Doick, K.J., Moss, J.L. 2019. Ecosystem services delivery by small and medium stature urban trees. Forest Research, FRRP032

Hand, K.L., Doick, K.J., Moss, J.L. 2019. Ecosystem services delivery by large stature urban trees. Forest Research, FRRP031.

Raum, S., Hand, K.L., Hall, C., Edwards, D. M., O’Brien, L., & Doick, K.J. 2019. Achieving impact from ecosystem assessment and valuation of urban greenspace: The case of i-Tree Eco in Great Britain. Landscape and urban planning, 190, 103590.

Hand, K., Vaz Monteiro, M., Doick, K.J., Handley, P., Rogers, K. and Saraev, V. 2018. Valuing Cardiff’s Urban Trees. A report to City of Cardiff Council and Welsh Government. Forest Research, Farnham. 95 pp.

Hand, K.L., Freeman, C., Seddon, P.J., Recio, M. R., Stein, A., & van Heezik, Y. 2018. Restricted home ranges reduce children’s opportunities to connect to nature: Demographic, environmental and parental influences. Landscape and Urban Planning, 172, 69-77.

Freeman, C., Stein, A., Hand, K. and van Heezik, Y., 2018. City children’s nature knowledge and contact: it is not just about biodiversity provision. Environment and Behavior, 50(10), pp.1145-1171.

Hand, K.L., Freeman, C., Seddon, P.J., Recio, M.R. and van Heezik, Y., 2017. Reply to Fattorini et al.: Children’s selected avoidance of wild greenspace is driven by more than cultural factors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(35), pp.E7216-E7217.

Hand, K.L., Freeman, C., Seddon, P.J., Recio, M. R., Stein, A., & van Heezik, Y. 2017. The importance of urban gardens in supporting children’s biophilia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(2), 274-279.

Hand, K.L., Freeman, C., Seddon, P.J., Stein, A., & Van Heezik, Y. 2016. A novel method for fine-scale biodiversity assessment and prediction across diverse urban landscapes reveals social deprivation-related inequalities in private, not public spaces. Landscape and Urban Planning, 151, 33-44.

Freeman, C., van Heezik, Y., Stein, A. and Hand, K., 2016. Technological inroads into understanding city children’s natural life-worlds. Children’s Geographies, 14(2), pp.158-174.

Freeman, C., Van Heezik, Y., Hand, K. and Stein, A., 2015. Making cities more child-and nature-friendly: A child-focused study of nature connectedness in New Zealand cities. Children, Youth and Environments, 25(2), pp.176-207.