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I joined the National Forest Inventory team in October 2020. I obtained an MSc in Medical Statistics at Newcastle University and my first posts were in this field: clinical trials of cancer treatments, Scottish Breast Screening Programme, Cancer registration statistics, surveillance and risk factors for Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. I then moved into other areas: QA of the Scottish 2011 Census, risk factors for young people being not in education, employment or training and the Scottish Longitudinal Study. I’m now looking forward to the next phase of producing and reporting various types of forestry statistics.

Inventory, forecasting and operational support (IFOS)


Northern Research Station

Bush Estate



Other Research

Curtis S., Everington D. & Niedzwiedz C. Inequalities in mental health: geographical perspectives. Available online: The Geographer, 2016.

Ralston K., Feng, Z., Everington, D. & Dibben, C. Do young people not in education, employment or training experience long-term occupational scarring? A longitudinal analysis over 20 years of follow-up. Available online: Contemporary Social Science: Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences., 2016.

Consequences, risk factors and geography of young people not in education, employment or training (NEET). Available online:

Molesworth A.M., Smith A.J., Everington D., Ord F., Watt P., Will R.G. & Ward H.J.T. Risk factors for variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in dental practice: a case-control study. Available online: Nature, 2012.

Molesworth A.M., MacKenzie J., Everington D., Knight R.S.G. & Will R.G. Sporadic CJD and risk of blood transfusion in the UK Available online: Transfusion, 2011.

Chohan G., Pennington C., Mackenzie J.M., Andrews M., Everington D., Will R.G., Knight R.S.G., Green A.J.E. The role of cerebrospinal fluid 14-3-3 and other proteins in the diagnosis of Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in the United Kingdom: a 10 year review. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2010; 81(11):1243-8. EPUB 2010 Sep 20.

Ward HJT, Everington D, Cousens SN et al. Risk factors for Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Ann Neurol 2008; 63:347-354

Everington D., Smith AJ., Ward HJT., Letters S., Will RG. & Bagg J. Dental treatment and risk of variant CJD, a case control study. BDJ 2007; 202:E19-E19 (28 April 2007).

Ward H JT., Everington D., Cousens SN., et al. Risk factors for variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: A Case-Control Study Ann. Neural 2006;59:111-120.

Goodall CA., Head MW., Everington D., Ironside JW., Knight RSG. & Green AJE. Raised CSF phospho-tau concentrations in variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease:diagnostic and pathological implications. J. Neural Neurosurg Psychiatry 2006;77:89-91.

Willis J., Smith C., Ironside JW., Erridge S., Whittle IR & Everington D. The accuracy of meningioma grading: a 10-year retrospective audit. Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology 2005; 31: 141-9.

Ward HJT., Cousens SN., Smith-Bathgate B., Leitch M., Everington D., et al. Obstacles to conducting epidemiological research in the UK general population. BMJ 2004; 329, 277-9.

Cousens S., Everington D., Ward HJT., et al. The geographical distribution of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in the UK: what can we learn from it? Statistical Methods in Medical Research 2003;12:235-246.

Ward HJT., Everington D., Croes EA., et al. Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and surgery. A case-control study using community controls. Neurology, 59, 543-548, 2002.

McCormack J., Baybutt H., Everington D., et al. PRNP contains both intronic and upstream regulatory regions that may influence susceptibility to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Gene, 288, 139-146, 2002.

Cousens S., Smith P.G., Ward H., Everington D., et al. Geographical distribution of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in Great Britain, 1994-2000. The Lancet, 357, 1002-1007, 2001.

Bartley J., Tong S., Everington D., Baird T. Parity is a major determinant of success rate in medical abortion: a retrospective analysis of 3161 consecutive cases of early medical abortion treated with reduced doses of mifepristone and vaginal gemeprost. Contraception 62(6), 297-303, 2000.

Martin CW., Riley SC., Everington D., et al. Dose finding study of oral desogestrel with testosterone pellets for suppression of the pituitary-testicular axis in Normal Men. Human Reproduction, 15, 1515-24, 2000.

Martin CW., Anderson RA., Cheung L., et al. Potential impact of hormonal male contraception: cross-cultural implications for development of novel preparations. Human Reproduction, 15, 637-645, 2000.

Glasier AF., Anakwe R., Everington D., et al. Would women trust their partners to use the pill? Human Reproduction, 15, 646-649, 2000.

Anderson RA., Martin CW., Kung A., Everington D., et al. 7a-Methyl-19-Nortestosterone (MENT) maintains sexual behaviour and mood in hypogonadal men. J. Clin. Endocrinol Metab, 34, 3556-62, 1999.

Everington D., Gilbert FJ., Tyack C., Warner J. The Scottish Breast Screening Programme’s experience of monitoring interval cancers. J. Med. Screen, 6, 21-27. 1999.

Deans HE., Everington D., Cordiner C., et al. The Scottish experience of double reading in the National Breast Screening Programme. The Breast, 7, 75-79, 1998.

Clinical Resource and Audit Group. Clinical Outcome Indicators 1997. Edinburgh: The Scottish Office. 1997.

Clinical Resource and Audit Group. Clinical Outcome Indicators 1996. Edinburgh: The Scottish Office. 1996.

Brewster D., Everington D., et al. Incidence of and mortality from breast cancer since the introduction of screening. BMJ, 312, 639-640. 1996.

Forrest APM., Stewart HJ., Everington D., et al. Randomised controlled trial of conservation therapy for breast cancer: 6-year analysis of the Scottish trial. The Lancet, 348, 708-713. 1996.

Stewart HJ., Forrest APM., Everington D., et al. Randomised comparison of 5 years of adjuvant tamoxifen with continuous therapy for operable breast cancer. Br. J. Cancer, 74, 297-299. 1996.

Cornbleet MA., Everington D., et al. Adjuvant treatment of high-risk melanoma with a-interferon : a Scottish Melanoma Group Study. No. 13, Abstract Book, 1st International Conference on the Adjuvant Therapy of Malignant Melanoma, March 1995.

Forrest APM., Everington D., et al. The Edinburgh randomised trial of axillary sampling or clearance after mastectomy. Br. J. of Surgery, 82, 1504-1508. 1995.

Stewart HJ., Everington D. & Forrest APM. The Cardiff local therapy trial – results at 20 years. The Breast, 3, 40-45. 1994.

Stewart HJ., Jack WJL., Everington D., et al. South-East Scottish Trial of local therapy in node negative breast cancer. The Breast, 3, 31-39. 1994.

Scottish Cancer Trials Breast Group and the ICRF Breast Unit, Guy’s Hospital, London*. The Scottish Trial of adjuvant ovarian ablation versus CMF chemotherapy in premenopausal women with pathological stage II carcinoma of the breast. The Lancet, 341, 1293-1298. 1993.
* Writing committee: Everington D., Forrest APM., Prescott RJ., Richards MA., Smith DC. & Stewart HJ.

Stewart HJ. & Everington D. Treatment of elderly patients with breast cancer. Br. Med. J., 304, 1569-1570. 1992.

Stewart HJ., McDonald C. & Everington D. Scottish adjuvant tamoxifen (TAM) trials. No. 296, Abstract Book, EORTC Breast Cancer Working Conference, September 1991.

Bundred NJ., Walker RA., Everington D., et al. Is apocrine differentiation in breast carcinoma of prognostic significance? Br. J. Cancer, 62, 113-117. 1990.