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Bethan works on a range of projects relating to the Society and Environment Research Group’s ongoing research on tree health, wellbeing and land managers.

Bethan joined Forest Research in September 2024. Prior to joining FR, Bethan was a research fellow at the University of Exeter, undertaking a systematic review about interventions that mitigate recreational pressures in the natural environment. She was also an ACCESS fellow, piloting a novel approach to deepen family engagement with biodiversity in an area of multiple disadvantage. Bethan was formerly a lecturer in sustainable horticulture, conservation and countryside management at a land-based college.

Bethan’s academic background is multidisciplinary, with a BSc (Hons) in Biology (University of Bristol), an MSc in Biodiversity and Conservation (University of Leeds) and a PhD in environmental education (University of Exeter). Her doctoral research investigated novel approaches for learning taxonomic identification in citizen science. Her postdoctoral research focused on social perceptions and learning about ‘less charismatic’ biodiversity (plants and invertebrates). She is a recognised national expert in plant blindness (plant awareness disparity), a cognitive bias describing a human tendency to ignore or undervalue plants. Bethan is a mixed-methods researcher with interests in intervention evaluation and systematic review methods.

Bethan’s videos and webinars about engaging with plants in education


Associate Research Fellow – University of Exeter

Editorial Board – International Journal of Science Education

Member of the British Ecological Society

Member of the Royal Society of Biology

Bethan Claire Stagg

PhD, MSc, BSc (Hons)
Social Scientist
Society and environment research group (SERG)

Bullers Hill

Peer reviewed journal articles

Stagg, B.C., Hetherington, L. & Dillon, J. (2024). Towards a model of plant awareness in education: A literature review and framework proposal. International Journal of Science Education.

Stagg, B. C. & Dillon, J. (2024). Plants and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework: Educational approaches to support pro-conservation behaviours. Journal of Biological Education.

Stagg, B. C. & Dillon, J. (2023). Plants, Education and Sustainability: rethinking the teaching of botany in school science. Journal of Biological Education.

Stagg, B.C., & Dillon, J. (2022). Plant awareness is linked to plant relevance: a review of educational and ethnobiological literature (1998 – 2020). Plants People Planet, 4(6), 579-592.

Stagg, B.C., Dillon, J., & Maddison, J. (2022). Expanding the field: using digital to diversify learning in outdoor science. Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research, 4(9), 1-17.

Stagg, B.C. (2020). Meeting Linnaeus: improving comprehension of biological classification and attitudes to plants using drama in primary science education. Research in Science & Technological Education, 38(3), 253 – 271.

Stagg, B. C., & Verde, M.F. (2019). Story of a Seed: educational theatre improves students’ comprehension and attitudes to plants in primary science education. Research in Science and Technological Education 37(1), 15 – 35.

Stagg, B. C., & Verde, M.F. (2019). A comparison of descriptive writing and drawing of plants for the development of adult novices’ botanical knowledge. Journal of Biological Education 53(1), 63 – 78.

Stagg, B. C., & Donkin, M.E. (2017). Apps for Angiosperms: the usability of mobile computers and printed field guides for UK wildflower and winter tree identification. Journal of Biological Education 51(2), 123 – 135.

Stagg, B. C., & Donkin, M.E. (2016). Mnemonics are an effective tool for beginners learning plant identification. Journal of Biological Education 50(1), 24 – 40.

Stagg, B. C., Donkin, M.E., & Smith, A.E. (2015). Bryophytes for Beginners: the usability of a printed dichotomous key versus a multi-access computer-based key for bryophyte identification. Journal of Biological Education 49(3), 274 – 287.

Stagg, B. C., & Donkin, M.E. (2013). Teaching botanical identification to adults: experiences of the UK participatory science project ‘Open Air Laboratories’. Journal of Biological Education 47(2), 104 – 110.

Book chapters:

Stagg, B.C. (2023). Impactful drama: using mixed methods approaches for the evaluation of drama in science. In D. McGregor (Ed.), The ESERA Book Series. Learning Science through Drama: Exploring International Perspectives, pp. 249-266. Springer International Publishing.

Special Issues/Collections:

Guest Editor for a Special Issue in preparation, ‘Methodologies for investigating plant awareness’ in Plants, People, Planet.

Guest Editor for a Collection, ‘Education, Plants and Sustainability: Rethinking the teaching of botany’ in the Journal of Biological Education