Anparasy Kajamuhan
BSc Hons, MPhil, PhD
BSc Hons, MPhil, PhD
Anparasy is currently a member of the Oak Decline Research group at Forest Research and is working on BAC-STOP, Future Oak and FPPH funded projects. She is responsible for isolating fungal and oomycete species from oak material, determining their identities and subsequent storage of isolates in the culture collection.
Anparasy joined FR in 2017. Prior to joining FR, she read for her PhD at the University of Reading. Her PhD examined the population dynamics of a biological control agent of Puccinia species, which cause rust on cereals.
Alice Holt
Alice Holt Lodge
Denman, S., Crampton, B., Kajamuhan, A., McDonald, J. 2019. Pathogen threats to native oaks in the UK. In Action Oak Knowledge review: an assessment of the current evidence on oak health in the UK, identification of evidence gaps and prioritisation of research needs, Quine, C.P., Atkinson, N., Denman, S., Desprez-Loustau, M-L., Jackson, R., Kirby, K. (eds). Action Oak, Haslemere, UK. ISBN 978-1-5272-4193-0