Ainoa Pravia
Ainoa was awarded a BSc in Biology by the University of Oviedo and an MSc in Wildlife Biology and Conservation by Edinburgh Napier University, which involved fieldwork with large ungulates in South Africa. She joined the entomological team at NRS in 2019 after completing a PhD with The University of the Highlands and Islands and The James Hutton Institute. Her project looked at the response of arthropod assemblages to the restoration of formerly afforested blanket bog in the Scottish Highlands. Prior to joining Forest Research her work involved a hands-on approach to habitat restoration and species conservation. She has worked for the Scottish Wildlife Trust in osprey conservation and migration tracking, as well as a reserve management and delivering of public events. She also worked in the trapping and tracking of northern flying squirrel populations in the USA, path building and restoration, habitat management for invasive non-native species and subsequent habitat restoration. In Germany, she participated in the reintroduction of European mink via trapping and radio-tracking.
Ainoa’s current work at Forest Research involves:
Member of the Royal Society of Biology
Member of the British Ecological Society
Member of the Royal Entomological Society
Member of the British Dragonfly Society
Northern Research Station
Bush Estate
Understanding the interaction between peatland and woodland is important when making decisions to support delivery of the English Trees Action Plan (ETAP) and England Peat Action Plan (EPAP). This project will fill gaps in the evidence base – specifically in relation to the hydrological connection between the two.
Research into the influence of a changing climate on development and life cycle of the pine weevil, Hylobius abietis.
Response of moth communities to restoration of formerly afforested blanket bog
Pravia, A., Andersen, R., Artz, R.R.E., Boyd, K., Cowie, N.R., Littlewood N.A. (2020) Moth responses to forest-to-bog restoration. Mires and Peat, 26, 27, 19pp.
Pravia, A., Andersen, R., Artz, R. R. E., Pakeman, R. J., & Littlewood, N. A. (2019). Restoration trajectory of carabid functional traits in a formerly afforested blanket bog. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 65 (Supplement), 33-56.