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This project aims to provide information to growers and processors about the wood properties, timber potential and likely merchantable volume of these species which are increasingly being considered for use in future forests. In particular we wish to establish if higher grades of structural timbers can be produced from these hardwood species relative to our domestic softwood species.

Research objectives

  • To identify suitable commercial stands of these species and obtain more extensive test sample material than has previously been available to researchers.
  • To undertake wood strength, stiffness and density measurements both on small clear wood test pieces and also furniture and structural-sized timber.
  • To provide more extensive data on the wood properties and mechanical performance of these species.

Latest updates

Samples are being tested, and the data are currently being analysed. Reports are expected during 2019-2020.

Related Products/Services

Related Resources

Ecological Site Classification (ESC) Decision Support System
Managing for Timber Quality Decision Support System
Growing Broadleaves for Timber. Forestry Commission Handbook 9 PDF download
Downy birch
Silver birch

Andrew Price

Quality Environment advisor