ForeStClim is an EU-funded environmental project addressing forests and climate change. The short name stands for “Transnational Forestry Management Strategies in Response to Regional Climate Change Impacts“.
This project evaluated the effects of climate change on forests and forestry across North West Europe, based on case study areas in partner countries. The researchers developed and demonstrated tools and techniques to support the implementation of adaptation strategies. Forest Research worked with 20 other partners from the UK, Germany, France, Netherlands and Luxembourg.
As a full project partner, Forest Research used future climate projections from UKCP09 and the project’s own team of climate scientists in Luxembourg, to assess the needs and options for climate change adaptation in a productive upland Sitka spruce forest in the Scottish Borders. The team tested forest design plans and silvicultural systems using new configurations of two models: Ecological Site Classification (ESC) and ForestGALES.
Forest Research is monitoring the success of management and interventions with a set of indicators based on forest productive capacity, environmental quality, biodiversity maintenance and social impacts.
The project has 21 partners from the UK, Germany, France, The Netherlands, and Luxembourg who will each contribute work to develop climate change adaptation strategies in the forests of north-west Europe.
In the UK the project brings together science and policy teams from Forest Research (FR), Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH), University of Newcastle, University of Bangor, Mountain Environments and the Mersey Forest.
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Principal Scientist