K. Sawicka, D.T. Monteith, E.I. Vanguelova, A.J. Wade, J.M. Clark, 2016. Fine-scale temporal characterisation of trends in soil water dissolved organic carbon and potential drivers. Ecological indicators, ISSN 1470-160X DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.12.028
Vanguelova, E. I. 2015. Protection of British forests soils in a changing management and policy challenges. In “Soil degradation Risks in Planted Forests” edited by Gonzalez and Bengoetxea (2015), publisher – Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Argitalpen Zerbitzua, VI 410-2015.
Villada, A. Vanguelova, E.I., Verhoef, A. and Shaw, L.S. 2015. Effect of air-drying pre-treatment on the characterization of forest soil carbon pools. Geoderma 265. Pages 53-61. ISSN 0016-7061 DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2015.11.003
Guerrieri, R., Vanguelova, E.I., Michalski, G., Heaton, T.H.E. and Mencuccini, M. 2015. Isotopic evidence for the occurrence of biological nitrification and nitrogen deposition processing in forest canopies. Global Change Biology, DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13018.
Waldner, P., Thimonier, A., Graf Pannatier, E., Etzold, S., Schmitt, M., Marchetto, A., Rautio, P., Derome, K., Nieminen, T., Nevalainen, S., Lindroos, A-J., Merilä, P., Kindermann, G., Neumann, M., Cools, N., De Vos, B., Roskams, P., Verstraeten, A., Hansen, K., Pihl-Karlsson, G., Dietrich, H-P., Raspe, S., Granke, O., Fischer, R., Iost, S., Lorenz, M., Sanders, T., Michel., A., Nagel, H-D., Scheuschner, T., Simončič, P., Von Wilpert, K., Meesenburg, H., Fleck, S., Ingerslev, M., Gundersen, P., Stupak, I., Vesterdal, L., Jonard, M., Clarke, N., Benham, S., Vanguelova, E., Potočič, N. and Minaya, M. 2015. Exceedance of critical loads and of critical limits impacts tree nutrition across Europe. Annals of Forest Science, DOI: 10.1007/s1359-015-0489-2.
De Vos, B. Cools, N., Ilvesniemi, H., Vesterdal, L., Vanguelova, E. and Carnicelli, S. 2015. Benchmark values for forest soil carbon stocks in Europe: results from a large scale forest soil survey. Geoderma, 251-252, 33-46.
Dimitrova, V., Lyubenovа, M., Zhiyanski, M. and Vanguelova, E. 2015. Roots biomass and carbon in representative Forest ecosystems in Bulgaria. Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences, 5 (2), 2090-2108.
Ferretti M, Michel A, Calatayud V, Cools N, Gottardini E, Haeni M, Hansen K, Potočić N, Schaub M, Timmermann V, Trotzer S, Vanguelova E, Sanders T (2015). ICP Forests Executive Report 2014. The impact of nitrogen deposition and ozone on the sustainability of European forests. e-ISSN 2198-6541
Vanguelova, E.I. 2015. Scottish Forestry Alliance project. Interim report on preliminary data analysis and next steps. Forest Research report, 21 October 2015.
Peter Waldner; Aldo Marchetto; Anne Thimonier; Maria Schmitt; Michela Rogora; Oliver Granke; Volker Mues; Karin Hansen; Gunilla Pihl Karlsson; Daniel Žlindra; Nicholas Clarke; Arne Verstraeten; Andis Lazdins; Claus Schimmming; Carmen Iacoban; Antti-Jussi Lindroos; Elena Vanguelova; Sue Benham; Henning Meesenburg; Manuel Nicolas; Anna Kowalska; Vladislav Apuhtin; Ulle Nappa; Zora Lachmanová; Ferdinand Kristoefel; Albert Bleeker; Morten Ingerslev; Lars Vesterdal; Juan Molina; Uwe Fischer; Walter Seidling; Mathieu Jonard; Philip O’Dea; James Johnson; Richard Fischer; Martin Lorenz 2014. Temporal trends in atmospheric deposition of inorganic nitrogen and sulphate to forests in Europe. Atmospheric Environment, 95, 363-374.
Dimitrova. V., Lyubenovа, M. and Vanguelova, E. (2014) Biomass and carbon accumulation in the herb layer of representative forest ecosystems in Bulgaria. Journal of Balkan Ecology, 17 (1), 55-71.
Rajapaksha, N.S.S., Butt, K.R., Vanguelova, E. I. and Moffat, A. J. (2014) Short rotation forestry – Earthworm interactions: A field based mesocosm experiment. Applied Soil Ecology, 76, 52-59.
Cools, N., Vesterdal, L., De Vos, B., Vanguelova, E.I., and Hansen, K. (2014) Tree species is the major factor explaining C:N ratios in European forest soils. Forest Ecology and Management, 311, 3-16.
Brunner, I.; Børja, I.; Dalsgaard, L.; Deckmyn, G.; Ekblad, A.; Godbold, D.L.; Guerra Avalos, I.; Lukac, M.; Kalbitz, K.; Kriiska, K.; Ostonen, I.; Schnepf, A.; Simončič, P.; Vanguelova, E., (2013). Belowground C turnover of European forests: Fine roots, mycorrhizal mycelia, soil organic matter and soil models. A Technical Report for National C reporters, LULUCF experts and ecosystem modellers. COST Action FP0803. Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, WSL, Birmensdorf. 67 pp. + Annex 61 pp.
Rajapaksha, N.S.S., Butt, K.R., Vanguelova, E. and Moffat, A.J. (2013). Effects of Short Rotation Forestry on earthworm community development in the UK. Forest Ecology and Management, 309, 96-104.
Rajapaksha, N.S.S., Butt, K.R., Vanguelova, E. and Moffat, A.J. (2013). Earthworm selection of Short Rotation Forestry leaf litter assessed through preference testing and direct observation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 67, 12-19.
Vanguelova, E.I., Nisbet, T.R., Moffat, A.J., Broadmeadow, S., Sanders, T.G.M. and Morison, J.I.L. (2013). A new evaluation of carbon stocks in British forest soils. Soil Use and Management, 29, 2, 169-181.
Vanguelova, E., Broadmeadow, S. Anderson, R., Yamulki, S., Randle, T., Nisbet, T. and Morison, J. (2012). A Strategic Assessment of Afforested Peat Resources in Wales. Report for the Forestry Commission, Wales, 141pp. Peatland_Wales_Report_2012.pdf
Morison, J., Matthews, R., Miller, G., Perks, M., Randle, T., Vanguelova, E., White, M., & Yamulki, S. (2012). Understanding the carbon and greenhouse gas balance of forests in Britain. Forestry Commission Research Report, Forestry Commission, Edinburgh, 149pp.
Benham, S., Vanguelova, E. and Pitman, R. (2012). Short and long term changes in carbon, nitrogen and acidity in the mineral forest soils under oak at the Alice Holt Environmental Change Network site. Science of the Total Environment, 421-422, 82-93.
Vanguelova E, Pitman R (2011). Impacts of Short Rotation Forestry on Soil Sustainability. In McKay, H. (ed.) (2011) “Short Rotation Forestry: review of growth and environmental impacts”. Forest Research Monograph, 2, Forest Research, Surrey, 212pp. ISBN 978-0-85538-827-0.
Vanguelova, E., Pitman, R. and Broadmeadow S. (2011). Terrestrial Umbrella: Eutrophication and Acidification of Terrestrial Ecosystems. Final report of the Forest Research sub-contract to the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, February 2011.
Hall, Jane; Emmett, Bridget; Garbutt, Angus; Jones, Laurence; Rowe, Ed; Sheppard, Lucy; Vanguelova, Elena; Pitman, Rona; Britton, Andrea; Hester, Alison; Ashmore, Mike; Power, Sally; Caporn, Simon (2011) UK Status Report July 2011: Update to empirical critical loads of nitrogen. Report to Defra under contract AQ801 Critical Loads and Dynamic Modelling. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 57pp.
Vanguelova, E.I., Reynolds, B., Nisbet, T. and Godbold, D. (2011). The cycling of pollutants in non-urban forested environments. In: Levia, D.F., Carlyle-Moses, D.E. and Tanaka, T. (Eds.), Forest Hydrology and Biogeochemistry: Synthesis of Past Research and Future Directions. Ecological Studies Series, No. 216, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-1363-5_34.
Pitman, R., Vanguelova, E., Benham, S and Perks, M. (2011). Impacts of tree stump removal on soil carbon, soil nutrients and tree growth in UK. Proceedings, “Tree stumps for Bioenergy” Symposium, 24-26 October 2011, Uppsala, Sweden.
Rajapaksha, N. S. S., Butt, K. R., Vanguelova, E. and Moffat, A. J. (2011). Soil fauna diversity under Short Rotation Forestry – Impacts and Responses. Proceedings of the British Ecological Society annual Symposium: Forests and Global Change, University of Cambridge, UK, 28 – 30 March 2011.
Vanguelova, E. and Pitman, R. (2011). Impacts of N inputs on forests and forest soil biogeochemistry in Great Britain. Paper in proceedings of “Nitrogen & Global Change – Key findings – future challenges”, April 11-15 2011, Edinburgh, UK.
Villada, A., Shaw, L., Verhoef and Vanguelova, E. (2011). Effect of tree species and soil type on chemical and physical carbon fractions in UK forest soils. Proceedings of EU COST 0803 meeting “Carbon balance after disturbances and drought”, 27 June -1 July 2011, Barcelona, Spain.
Vanguelova, E.I. (2010). BioSoil case study: Evaluation of the quality and changes in UK forest soils. European Commission. Forest soil and biodiversity monitoring in the EU. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union 2010 – 32 pp.; ISBN 978-92-79-14992-4; DOI: 10.2779/16475.
House, J., Clark, J., Gallego-Sala, A., Orr, H., Aylen, J., Bardgett, R., Billett, M., Bonn, A., Caporn, S., Chapman, S., Clutterbuck, B., Evans, C., Evans, M., Farewell, T., Freeman, C., Grayson, R., Hall, J., Holden, J., McMorrow, J., Milledge, D., Nayak, D., Ostle, N., Parry, L., Prentice, C., Stevens, C., Smith, J., Smith, P., Vanguelova, E., Ward, S., Waldron, S., White, S., Worrall, F., Yallop, A. (2010) Vulnerability of upland peatland services to climate change. Environment Agency Science Report SC070036/SR.
Pitman, R., Vanguelova, E.I. and Benham, S. (2010). Effects of phytophagous insects on the nutrient concentrations and fluxes through forest stands in the UK Level II network. Science of the Total Environment, 409 (1), 169-181.
Clark, J.M., Billett, M.F., Coyle, M, Croft, S., Daniels, S., Evans, C.D., Evans, M., Freeman, C., Gallego-Sala, A.V., Heinemeyer, A., House, J.I., Monteith, D., Nayak, D., Orr, H.G., Prentice, I.C., Rose, R., Rowson, J., Smith, J., Smith, Jo, Tun, Y.M., Vanguelova, E.I., Wetterhall, F. and Worrall, F. (2010). Model inter-comparison between statistical and dynamic model assessments of the long-term stability of GB blanket peat (1940-2099). Climate Research, 45, 227-248.
Swain, E. Y., Perks, P. P., Vanguelova, E. I. and Abbott, G. D. (2010). Carbon stocks and phenolic distributions in peaty gley soils afforested with Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis). Organic Geochemistry, 41, 1022-1025.
Vanguelova, E.I., Benham, S., Pitman, R., Moffat, A. Broadmeadow, M., Nisbet, T., Durrant, D., Barsoum, N.,Wilkinson, M., Bochereau, F., Broadmeadow, S., Hutchings, T., Crow, P., Durrant-Huston, T., Taylor, P. (2010). Chemical fluxes in time through forest ecosystems in the UK – soil response to pollution recovery. Environmental Pollution, 158 (5): 1857-1869.
Vanguelova, E., Pitman, R., Luiro J. and Helmisaari H-S. (2010). Long term impacts of whole tree harvesting on soil carbon and nutrient sustainability in the UK. Biogeochemistry, 101, 43-59.
Vanguelova, E, Pitman, R., Benham, S., Wilkinson, M., Komarov, A., Khoraskina, Y. and Bykhovets, S. (2011). Long term changes in soil carbon at Alice Holt forest modelled by ROMUL (forest soil organic matter process model). Proceedings of EU COST 0803 meeting “Carbon balance after disturbances and drought”, 27 June -1 July 2011, Barcelona, Spain.
Vanguelova, E.I. and Nisbet, T. (2010) Protection of forest soils and water in a changing climate – management and policy challenges. SAC/SEPA Proceedings “Climate, Water and Soil Science, Policy and Practice” 31 March-1 April 2010, Edinburgh; pp.146-153.
Villada, A., Vanguelova, E., Verhoef, A., Shaw, L. (2010). Development and evaluation of a sequential extraction procedure for characterization of water soluble soil organic carbon in forest soil samples. Proceedings of EU COST 0803 meeting in Slovenia, 1-4 September, (2010).
Vanguelova, E., Armolaitis, K., Beniusis, R., Berger, T., Bonifacio, E., Guicharnaud, R.A., Heim, A., Püttsepp, Ü., Tobin, B., Walthert, L., Yildiz, O., Zhiyanski, M., Zimmermann, S. (2010). Evaluation of litter and soil C stocks and uncertainties in European forests. Proceedings of EU COST 0803 meeting in Slovenia, 1-4 September 2010.
Vanguelova, E.I., Reynolds, B., Nisbet, T. and Godbold, D. (2010). The cycling of pollutants in non-urban forested environments. In:” Forest Hydrology and Biogeochemistry:Synthesis of Research and Future Directions“, edited by Delphis Levia, Darryl Carlyle-Moses and Tadashi Tanaka, 26 pages.
Vanguelova, E. and Nisbet, T. (2010). Save the soil. Chartered Forester, Autumn 2010, pages 22-23.
Swain, E. Y., Perks, P. P., Vanguelova, E. I. and Abbott, G. D. (2010). Carbon stocks and phenolic distributions in peaty gley soils afforested with Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis). Organic Geochemistry 41, 1022-1025.
Vanguelova, E.I. and Nisbet, T. (2010) Protection of forest soils and water in a changing climate – management and policy challenges. SAC/SEPA Proceedings “Climate, Water and Soil Science, Policy and Practice” 31 March-1 April 2010, Edinburgh; pp.146-153.
Vanguelova, E.I., Benham, S., Pitman, R., Moffat, A. Broadmeadow, M., Nisbet, T., Durrant, D., Barsoum, N.,Wilkinson, M., Bochereau, F., Broadmeadow, S., Hutchings, T., Crow, P., Durrant-Huston, T., Taylor, P. (2010). Chemical fluxes in time through forest ecosystems in the UK – soil response to pollution recovery. Environmental Pollution 158 (5): 1857-1869.
Vanguelova, E.I. (2010). BioSoil case study: Evaluation of the quality and changes in UK forest soils. European Commission. Forest soil and biodiversity monitoring in the EU. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union 2010 – 32 pp.; ISBN 978-92-79-14992-4; DOI: 10.2779/16475.
Langan, S., Fransson, L. and Vanguelova, E. (2009). Dynamic modelling of UK forest soils to changes in acid deposition using the SAFE model. Science of the Total Environment 407, 5605-5619.
Vanguelova, E.I. and Pitman, R. (2009). Impact of N deposition on soil and tree biochemistry in both broadleaved and coniferous stands in the UK. In “6th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behaviour BIOGEOMON 2009”, Liisa Ukonmaanoho, Tiina M. Nieminen and Mike Starr (eds.), ISSN 1795-150X, pp.184.
Vanguelova, E.I., Pitman, R., Luiro J. and Helmisaari H-S. (2009). Long term effects of whole tree harvesting on soil nutrient sustainability in the UK. In “6th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behaviour BIOGEOMON 2009”, Liisa Ukonmaanoho, Tiina M. Nieminen and Mike Starr (eds.), ISSN 1795-150X, pp.481.
Vanguelova, E.I., Nisbet, T. and Moffat, A. (2009). Evaluation of carbon stocks in UK forest soils. In “6th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behaviour BIOGEOMON 2009”, Liisa Ukonmaanoho, Tiina M. Nieminen and Mike Starr (eds.), ISSN 1795-150X, pp.320.
Vanguelova, E.I., Hirano, Y., Eldhuset, T.D., Sas-Paszt, L., Bakker, M., Püttsepp, Ü., Brunner, I., Lõhmus, K. and Godbold, D. (2007). Tree fine root Ca/Al molar ratio – indicator of Al and acidity stress. Plant Biosystems 141 (3): 460-480.
Finér, L., Helmisaari, H. –S, K. Lõhmus; Majdi, H., Brunner, I., Børja, I., Eldhuset T., Godbold D., Grebenc T., Konôpka, B., Kraigher H., Möttönen, M.-R., Ohashi, M., Oleksyn, J., Ostonen, I., Uri, V., Vanguelova, E. (2007). Variation in fine root biomass of three European tree species: Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.), and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Plant Biosystems 141 (3): 394-405.
Ostonen, I., Püttsepp, Ü., Biel, C., Alberton, O., Bakker, M. R., Lõhmus, K., Majdi, H., Metcalfe, D., Olsthoorn, A. F. M., Pronk, A., Vanguelova, E., Weih, M. and Brunner, I. (2007). Specific root length as an indicator of environmental change. Plant Biosystems 141 (3): 426–442.
Vanguelova, E.I., Barsoum, N., Benham, S., Broadmeadow, M., Moffat, A., Nisbet, T. and Pitman, R. (2007). Ten years of intensive environmental monitoring of British forests. Forestry Commission Information Note 88.
Pitman, R.M., Poole, J. and Benham, S. (2007). A comparison of Ellenberg values from the ground flora in a chronosequence of lowland oak and Corsican pine stands with forest soil properties. Submitted to Journal of Ecology.
Vanguelova E.I., Nortcliff S., Moffat, A.J. and Kennedy, F. (2007). Short-term effects of manipulated increase in acid deposition on soil, soil solution chemistry and fine roots of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) stand on a podzol. Plant and Soil 294, 41-54.
Vanguelova, E., Moffat, A.J. and Lynch, J. (2006). Impact of forestry on soil quality in the UK. Expert Workshop on Definition of Best Indicators for Biodiversity and Soil Quality for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Proceedings and Conclusions, Guildford, 12-13 June, (2006). ISSN: 1464-8083, pp. 24-27.
Moffat, A.J., Jones, B.M. and Mason, B. (2006). Managing Brach on Conifer Clearfell Sites. Forestry Commission Practice Note 13. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh.
Pitman, R. and Vanguelova, E. (2006). Influences of stand age and soil properties on forest biodiversity. In: Forest Research annual report and accounts 2004–(2005). The Stationery Office, Edinburgh.
Vanguelova E.I., Nortcliff S., Moffat, A.J. and Kennedy, F. (2005). Morphology, biomass and nutrient status of fine roots of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) as influenced by seasonal fluctuations in soil moisture and soil solution chemistry. Plant and Soil 270, 233-247.
Kirwan, N., Oliver, M.A., Moffat, A.J. and Morgan, G.W. (2005). Sampling the soil in long-term forest plots: the implications of spatial variation. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 111, 149-172.
Langan S.J., Hall J., Reynolds B., Broadmeadow M., Hornung M., Cresser M.S. (2004). The development of an approach to assess critical loads of acidity for woodland habitats in the UK. Hydrology and Earth Science Systems 8(3), 355-365.
Broadmeadow, M., Kennedy, F., Vanguelova, E., Broadmeadow, S., Pitman, R., Crow, P. and Griffiths, M. (2004). Terrestrial Umbrella: Eutrophication and acidification of terrestrial Ecosystems. Final Report (May 2004) of the Forest Research sub-contract to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Kennedy F. and Pitman R. (2004). Factors affecting the nitrogen status of soils and ground flora in Beech woodlands. Forest Ecology and Management 198, 1-14.
Pitman R. (2003). An Environmental Impact Assessment of the use of Wood ash in Forestry. Internal Report to PPD, Forestry Commission.
Wood M.J., Moffat A.J. and Carling P.A. (2003). Improving the design of slash roads used to reduce soil disturbance during mechanised harvesting of coniferous forest plantations in the UK. International Journal of Forest Engineering 14, 11-23.
Moffat A.J., Kennedy F. and Rayner B. (2003). The answer lies in the soil! Forestry & British Timber May 2003, 19-20.
Kennedy F. (2003). How extensive are the impacts of nitrogen pollution in Great Britain’s forests? In: Forest Research annual report and accounts 2001 to 2002. The Stationery Office, Edinburgh.
Wood M. J., Carling P. A. and Moffat A. J. (2003). Reduced ground disturbance during mechanized forest harvesting on sensitive forest soils in the UK. Forestry 76 (3), 345-361.
Vanguelova E.I. (2002). Soil acidification and fine root response of Scots pine. Unpublished PhD thesis, The University of Reading, UK.
Freer-Smith P.H. and Kennedy F. (2002). Base cation removal in harvesting and biological limit terms for use in the simple mass balance equation to calculate critical loads for forest soils. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 145, 409-427.
Kennedy F.M. (2002). The identification of soils for forest management. Forest Commission Field Guide, Edinburgh.
Vanguelova E., Nortcliff S., Kennedy F.M., and Moffat A.J. (2002). The effects of Al on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) root development and nutrient uptake. 17th WCSS Abstracts, Vol. II, Symposium No. 14, pp. 584. Paper no. 2125 in the Proceedings of the 17th World Congress of Soil Science, 14-21 August 2002, Bangkok, Thailand.
Hutchings T.R., Moffat A.J. and French C.J. (2002). Soil compaction under timber harvesting machinery: a preliminary report on the role of brash mats in its prevention. Soil Use and Management 18, 34-38.
Moffat A.J., Kvaalen H., Solberg S. and Clarke N. (2002). Temporal trends in throughfall and soil water chemistry at three Norwegian forests, 1986-1997. Forest Ecology and Management 168, 15-28.
Moffat A.J. and Kennedy F.M. (2002). Indicators of soil quality for UK forestry. In: Identification and development of a set of national indicators for soil quality. P.J. Loveland and T.R.E. Thompson (eds). Environment Agency Research and Development Project Record P5-053/PR/02, 77-104.
Moffat A.J. (2002). The state of British forests at the beginning of the 21st century. International Forestry Review 4, 171-183.
Vanguelova E., Nortcliff S., Kennedy F.M., and Moffat A.J. (2001). Soil acidification and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) root response. Proceedings of the 6th symposium of the ISRR, November 11-15, Nagoya, Japan. Root Research Vol. 10, Extra issues N: 1, pp. 172-173, ISSN 1919-2182.
Hall J., Reynolds B., Langan S., Hornung M., Kennedy F. and Aherne J. (2001). Investigating the uncertainties in the simple mass balance equation for acidity critical loads for terrestrial ecosystems in the United Kingdom. Water, Air and Soil Pollution: Focus 1, 43-56.
Moffat A.J., Armstrong A.T. and Ockleston J. (2001). The optimization of sewage sludge and effluent disposal on energy crops of short rotation hybrid poplar. Biomass and Bioenergy 20, 161-169.
Kennedy F., Rowell D., Moffat A.J. and Singh B. (2001). An analysis of the structure of the simple mass balance equation: implications for testing national critical loads maps. Water, Air and Soil Pollution: Focus 1, 281-298.
Wood M., Moffat A.J. and Carling P. (2001). Soil protection during mechanised forest harvesting – an update. Forestry and British Timber July 2001, 20-22.
Moffat A.J. (2000). Soil Sustainability. ICF Newsletter 4/2000, 6-7.