Publications about conserving and enhancing the biodiversity of forest ecosystems
- Birds, mammals and invertebrates
- Ecological classification and evaluation
- Trees and vegetation
- Woodland and habitat management
The biodiversity and conservation newsletter of the Forest Research Centre for Human and Ecological Sciences (2005-2013).
Research Information Notes (RINs)
Out of print publications from the 1980s and 1990s covering various topics.
Please note that since their publication any products named may have been withdrawn or changed formulation, services may no longer be available, legislation superseded and addresses and contacts changed.
- Enhancement of lowland forest ride sides and roadsides to benefit wild plants and butterflies (PDF-841K)
RIN 126 (1987) - Habitat management for woodland bats (PDF-1025K)
RIN 165 (1990) - Conserving the red squirrel (PDF-871K)
RIN 205 (1991) - Nest boxes for kestrels (PDF-872K)
RIN 215 (1992) - Red squirrel supplementary food hopper (PDF-437K)
RIN 235 (1993) - The conservation management of deadwood in forests (PDF-1954K)
RIN 241 (1993) - Merlins and forestry (PDF-2668K)
RIN 254 (1994) - Red squirrel conservation: field study methods (PDF-1768K)
RIN 255 (1994) - An ecological site classification for forestry in Great Britain (PDF-1742K)
RIN 260 (1995) - Assessment of fence collisions by grouse species in Scotland (PDF-1843K)
RIN 264 (1995) - Reducing disturbance to goshawks during the breeding season (PDF-2412K)
RIN 267 (1996) - Golden eagles and forestry (PDF-2492K)
RIN 292 (1997)