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Harmer, R., Beauchamp, K. and Morgan, G. (2011). Natural regeneration in western hemlock plantations on ancient woodland sites. Forestry Commission Research Note 11.

Harmer, R., Straw, N. and Williams, D. (2011). Boar, Bluebells and Beetles (PDF-1239 KB). Quarterly Journal of Forestry 105, 195-202

Harmer, R., Kerr, G. and Thompson, R. (2010). Managing Native Broadleaved Woodland. Forestry Commission Handbook.

Harmer R., Kiewitt, A., Morgan, G. and Gill, R. (2010). Does the development of bramble (Rubus fruticosus L. agg.) facilitate the growth and establishment of tree seedlings in woodlands by reducing deer browsing damage? Forestry Advance Access published on January 6, 2010. DOI:10.1093/forestry/cpp032

Harmer, R., Morgan, G. and Beauchamp, K. (2009). Report on survey of Western Hemlock PAWS (PDF-1136 KB). Forest Research report.

Harmer, R. and Morgan, G. (2009). Storm damage and the conversion of conifer plantations to native broadleaved woodland. Forest Ecology and Management, 258, 879-886.

Harmer, R. and Willoughby, I. (2007). Controlling bramble within an oak woodland using herbicides, Aspects of Applied Biology 82, Vegetation Management,165 -173.

Harmer, R. and Morgan, G. (2007). Development of Quercus robur advance regeneration following canopy reduction in an oak woodland. Forestry, 80, 137 -149.

Harmer, R. and Kiewitt, A. (2007). Restoration of PAWS – testing some of the advice, Quarterly Journal of Forestry, 101, 213 – 218.

Willoughby, I., Harrison, A., Jinks, R., Gosling, P., Harmer, R. and Kerr, G. (2007). The potential for direct seeding of birch on restock sites. Forestry Commission Information Note 84, 8p.

Harmer, R. and Kiewitt, A. (2006). Restoration of lowland conifer PAWS (PDF-1299 KB). Forest Research Annual Report 2005-2006.

Harmer, R. and Morgan, G. (2005). Does bramble facilitate the natural regeneration of broadleaved trees? (PDF-296 KB). Unpublished Forest Research Report.

Harmer, R., Boswell, R. and Robertson, M. (2005). Survival and growth of tree seedlings in relation to changes in the ground flora during natural regeneration of an oak shelterwood. Forestry 78, 21-32.

Harmer, R., Thompson, R., and Humphrey, J. (2005). Great Britain – Conifers to Broadleaves. In: Restoration of boreal and temperate forests (Ed. J.A. Stanturf and P. Madsen), CRC Press, Boca Raton, 319-338.

Harmer. R (2004). Restoration of neglected hazel coppice. Forestry Commission Information Note 56.

Harmer, R. (2004). Coppice silviculture practiced in temperate regions. In: Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences Volume 3 (Ed J. Burley, J. Evans and J. Youngquist), Elsevier 1045-1052.

Harmer, R. (2004). Bramble for beginners. Quarterly Journal of Forestry 98, 273-279.

Harmer, R., Tucker, N. and Nickerson, R. (2004). Natural regeneration in storm damaged woods – 1987 storm sites revisited (PDF-221 KB). Quarterly Journal of Forestry, 98, 183-190.

Harmer, R. (2003). Seedling root growth of six broadleaved tree species grown in competition with grass under irrigated nursery conditions. Annals of Forest Science, 60, 601-608.

Harmer, R., and Howe, J. (2003). The silviculture and management of coppice woodlands. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh.

Thompson, R., Humphrey, J., Harmer, R., and Ferris, R. (2003). Restoration of native woodland on ancient woodland sites. Forestry Commission Practice Guide, Forestry Commission, Edinburgh.

Harmer, R. (2002). Restocking after storm damage from an English perspective. In: Restocking of storm-felled forests: new approaches. Proceedings of an International Workshop in Denmark, March 2001. Ed. A. Brunner. Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning Report No. 12, Hørsholm, 47-52.

Harmer, R. (2002). Creation of woodlands by natural colonisation in lowland England. In: Restocking of storm-felled forests: new approaches. Proceedings of an International Workshop in Denmark, March 2001. Ed. A. Brunner. Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning Report No. 12, Hørsholm, 109-111.

Harmer, R., and Robertson, M. (2002). Management of Standards in Hazel Coppice. Quarterly Journal of Forestry, 96, 259-265.

Harmer, R. (2001). The effect of plant competition and simulated summer browsing by deer on tree regeneration. Journal of Applied Ecology 38, 1094-1103.

Harmer, R. (2001). Growth of coppice shoots following felling of maiden oaks at different heights above ground. Quarterly Journal of Forestry 95, 217-233.

Harmer, R. (2001). Thinking about using natural regeneration? Smallwoods, Winter 2001, Journal of the Small Woods Association.

Harmer, R. (2001). Dazzled by light? Continuous Cover Forestry Group Newsletter January 2001, 25-27.

Kerr, G., and Harmer, R. (2001). Potential use of alternative silvicultural systems in broadleaved woodlands. ICF News 1/2001, 3-4.

Harmer, R., Peterken, G., Kerr, G. and Poulton, P. (2001). Vegetation changes during 100 years of development of two secondary woodlands on abandoned arable land. Biological Conservation 101, 291-304.

Harmer, R., Robertson, M., Boswell, R. and Peace, A. (2001). Regrowth and browsing of coppice in southern England. Quarterly Journal of Forestry 95, 209-216.

Harmer, R. and Gill, R. (2000). Natural regeneration in broadleaved woodlands: deer browsing and the establishment of advance regeneration. Forestry Commission Information Note 35.

Harmer, R., Willoughby, I. and Robertson, M. (2000). Use of herbicides to control weeds and promote the natural regeneration of Fagus sylvatica. In Vegetation Management in Changing Landscapes (ed. Boatman, N. D., Clay, D., Goodman, A., Marrs, R. H., Marshall, E. J. P., Newman, J. R., Putwain, P. D. and Pywell, R. F.). Aspects of Applied Biology 58, 9-14.

Kerr, G., Harmer, R. and Moss, S.R. (2000). A century of vegetation change at Broadbalk Wilderness. In Long-term studies in British Woodland (ed K. J. Kirby and M. D. Morecroft) English Nature Science 34, 41-47.

Harmer, R. (1999). Survival and new shoot production by artificially browsed seedlings of ash, beech, oak and sycamore grown under different levels of shade. Forestry Ecology and Management 116, 39-50.

Harmer, R. (1999). Creating new native woodlands: turning ideas into reality. Forestry Commission Information Note 15.

Harmer, R. (1999). Using natural colonisation to create or expand new woodlands. Forestry Commission Information Note 23.

Harmer, R., Kerr, G. and Boswell, R. (1997). Characteristics of lowland broadleaved woodland being restocked by natural regeneration. Forestry 70, 199-210.

Harmer, R. (1996). Growth of seedling tree root-systems in competition with grasses. Aspects of Applied Biology 44, 47-54.

Harmer, R. and Kerr, G. (1996). Natural regeneration – is more advice needed? Quarterly Journal of Forestry 90, 190-196.

Hodge, S.J. and Harmer, R. (1996). Woody colonization on unmanaged urban and ex-industrial sites. Forestry 69, 254-261.

Kerr, G., Harmer, R. and Moss, S.R. (1996). Natural colonisation: a study of Broadbalk Wilderness. Aspects of Applied Biology 44, Vegetation Management in Forestry, Amenity and Conservation Areas: Managing for Multiple Objectives, 25-32.

Harmer, R. (1995). Management of coppice stools (PDF-881 KB). Research Information Note 259. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh.

Harmer, R. (1995). Natural regeneration of broadleaved trees in Britain: III. Germination and establishment. Forestry 68, 1-9.

Harmer, R. and Kerr, G. (1995). Creating woodlands: to plant trees or not? In: R. Ferris-Kaan, ed. The ecology of woodland creation. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. Pages 113-128.

Harmer, R. and Kerr, G. (1995). Natural regeneration of broadleaved trees (PDF-120 KB). Forestry Commission Research Information Note 275.

Hodge, S.J. and Harmer, R. (1995). The creation of woodland habitats in urban and post-industrial environments. Land Contamination and Reclamation, 3, 86-88.

Harmer, R. (1994). Natural regeneration of broadleaved trees in Britain: I. Historical Aspects. Forestry 67, 179-188.

Harmer, R. (1994). Natural regeneration of broadleaved trees in Britain: II. Seed production and predation. Forestry 67,275-286.

Harmer, R. (1994). Selecting sites for natural regeneration of broadleaves. Forestry and British Timber, 23, 16-18.

Harmer, R. and Forrester, M. (1994). Natural regeneration of broadleaves in perspective. Quarterly Journal of Forestry, 88, 141-144.

Harmer, R., Kerr, G. and Fisher, D. (1994). The potential for natural regeneration of broadleaves in central southern England. Quarterly Journal of Forestry 88, 297-302.

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