Depth | Horizon | Detail |
3 cm | LF | Pine needles, pine cones, twigs and bracken fronds; smooth and abrupt boundary. |
0 to 13 cm | Ah | Very dark greyish brown (10 YR 3/2) sand; few stones, medium subangular flints, (up to 2 cm length); single grain structure with < 5% granular, weakly developed; very few coarse and few fine woody roots; no coats; no concretions; no mottles; no nodules; ill-defined boundary forming a transitional layer 11 cm thick |
13 to 24 cm | E(g) | Very dark greyish brown (10 YR 3/2) becoming strong brown (7.5 YR 4/6) loamy sand; Transitional very few coarse and few fine woody roots. |
24 to 50 cm | Bw | Strong brown (7.5 YR 4/6) sandy loam; well defined layer of stones 33 – 37 cm deep composed primarily of sub angular flints 7 – 8 cm length lying parallel to surface of BC; single grain structure; very few, fine woody roots; non-calcareous; no coats; no concretions; no mottles; no nodules; undulating abrupt boundary; dry matrix colour |
50 to 80+ cm | 2BC | Very pale brown (10 YR 7/4) sand; sub angular flint (broken, up to 10 cm), surrounded chalk stones and rock fragments in a calcareous matrix of abundant fine to coarse gravel with internal specks of Fe oxide; massive structure; very few fine roots; no coats; no concretions |
Soil chemistry and particle size distribution (%) data are also available for various horizons (sample date: 27/06/95). Contact Caitlin Lewis.