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About the Petersfield i-Tree Eco Study

Trees improve local air quality, capture and store carbon, reduce flooding and cool urban environments. They provide a home for urban wildlife, a space for people to relax and exercise, and they can support community interaction. Despite these attributes, the nature, number, density and condition of the trees in Petersfield was, previously, poorly understood.

In 2016, it was decided timely to undertake a baseline resource survey of Petersfield’s trees. The i-Tree Eco model was selected as the most appropriate for this purpose.

The direct benefits to the people who live in and visit Petersfield are the focus of the report – they have not been systematically catalogued before. The beneficial attributes provided by Petersfield’s trees that were considered were carbon capture, rainwater interception, and the removal of air pollution.

The survey was undertaken by Petersfield Society volunteers.

Research objectives

This project aimed to:

  • Understand the structure of Petersfield’s urban forest, including the species composition, diversity and tree condition
  • Calculate the ecosystem services provided by Petersfield’s urban forest and rank the importance of different tree species

Findings and Recommendations

  • The diversity of tree species in Petersfield dominated by several tree species which are very vulnerable to devastating pests and diseases. It is estimated that up to 15% of Petersfield’s trees may die in the next five years.
  • The condition of Petersfield’s trees is generally high but poorer in the town centre than the surrounding area. Petersfield’s trees should be managed to increase their number, diversity and health.
  • The benefits provided by Petersfield’s trees were valued at £75,000 per year.
  • The amenity asset (replacement) value of the trees was estimated to be £498 million.

For further details and results see the Full Report in the Documents’ section on this page (below).


Kieron Doick

Further Information


Funding & partners
  • South Downs National Park Authority
  • East Hampshire District Council
  • Petersfield Town Council
  • Petersfield Society
  • Forest Research

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i-Tree Eco

Bringing a fully functioning i-Tree Eco to the UK to support the quantification, valuation and resource management of urban trees, greenspaces and forests.

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