
About i-Tree Eco Glasgow

An i-Tree Eco survey was undertaken in summer 2013 to value a number of ecosystem services provided by Glasgow’s trees.

The ecosystem services valued were: carbon capture, rainwater interception and the removal of air pollution. The socio-cultural value of the trees was also determined.

This study demonstrates the value that the urban forest provides to all who live or work in, or whom visit Glasgow.

This work was funded by Glasgow City Council and Forestry Commission Scotland and was carried out by Forest Research.

Research Objectives

  • Identify the species composition, age-size class and health of Glasgow’s urban forest
  • Calculate the ecosystem services they provide
  • Determine the land-use type(s) where more trees could be planted
  • Conduct a risk analysis of the susceptibility of Glasgow’s urban forest to pests and diseases

Findings and Recommendations

  • Glasgow has a high density of trees compared to cities in England, but lower than in neighbouring Edinburgh.
  • Glasgow has a high proportion of large trees (60 cm+); a lack of medium sized trees puts this at risk in the future.
  • Vacant land supports a significant number of trees in Glasgow, second only to parks. This could be a major consideration in development plans, as vacant land is most likely to be developed.
  • Up to 32% of Glasgow’ urban space is available to plant new trees or shrubs.
  • The ecosystem services provided by Glasgow’s urban trees were estimated to have a value of £4.5 million per year.

For further details and results see the Summary Report and the Full Report in the Documents Section.

General Content


Kieron Doick


Further Information

i-Tree website

Funding & Partners

  • Glasgow City Council
  • Forestry Commission Scotland
  • Forest Research