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This project aims to establish a network of genetic conservation units (GCUs) across the natural range of European tree species to conserve the genetic diversity of forest genetic resources (FGR). This pan-European initiative is coordinated by the EUFGIS and EUFORGEN networks. Forest Research is responsible for designating GCUs in Britain.

Research objectives

  • Identify and designate suitable sites as GCUs
  • Evaluate gaps in GCU coverage across Britain for key tree species
  • Raise awareness of GCUs among stakeholders

Background information

What is a Genetic Conservation Unit (GCU)?

A Genetic Conservation Unit is an area of forest or woodland where dynamic conservation is a management priority for one or more species and population size requirements are met.

These GCUs act as a living repository of valuable forest tree genetic diversity and form part of a network coordinated by the European Forest Genetic Resources Programme (EUFORGEN).

What is dynamic conservation?

Dynamic conservation helps maintain processes within tree populations so they can continue to evolve and adapt. The encouragement of natural regeneration is one management activity that supports the conservation process.

Dynamic conservation involves either managing trees in habitats they have adapted to (“in situ”) or creating similar artificial but evolving populations elsewhere (“ex situ”).

The preferred method is dynamic “in situ” conservation because it preserves a large part of the tree population along with the organisms that evolve with them in their natural environment.

Why are GCUs important?

GCUs are vital in supporting coordinated protection of genetic diversity in Europe’s tree species at a continental scale. Britain’s GCUs make a unique contribution because they experience a northern oceanic climate and are at the northwestern limit of distribution for several tree species.

Many woodlands are currently managed in a way that would make them suitable for designation as a GCUs. However, more formal recognition of a network of GCUs will help develop a robust and quantifiable approach.

Landowners are encouraged to contact Tom Sim, the National Focal Point, about designation of GCUs.

Please see the following video for more information of EUFORGEN and GCUs:


Establishing and managing gene conservation units

PDF, 2.18 MB

This Practice Note sets out what you need to do to establish a gene conservation unit (GCU) and describes the recommended management approaches.

GCU minimum requirements

PDF, 0.09 MB

This document defines what 'a dynamic genetic conservation unit’ is, and describes how such units should be managed to both raise awareness of the concept of GCUs and actively contribute to the long-term genetic conservation of forest tree species.

Table of Contents
Tom Sim

Forest Experimental Scientist
