The Forland project is a European Climate-KIC funded project that aims to support and inform landscape planning with ambitions for woodland expansion and landscape restoration. By collating biophysical and socio-economic data with the involvement of stakeholders at the landscape level, we aim to co-develop and test ways to facilitate the development of future land use plans. Working with stakeholders within two case study regions in Scotland – Sunart and the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere we will explore the key challenges in these different landscapes to work towards a shared vision for landscape change.
Research Objectives
- Provide a ‘collaborative platform’ that promotes better coordination between science, planning and operational experts, and stakeholders.
- Develop a socially inclusive woodland expansion and restoration tool adapted by local and regional stakeholders.
- Combine biophysical and socioeconomic data into a user-friendly portal.
- Bring together stakeholders to co-develop regional landscape visions and reach consensus on where and how their landscape can be improved.
Latest Update
Collaborative visions have been developed for both our case studies, following stakeholder workshops to identify and types of land use and their associated benefits to the regions and broader society.
Our Involvement
Together with the University of Edinburgh, Forest Research are responsible for the Scottish case studies (our European partners ONF International, CIRAD and ETH-Zurich are delivering case studies in Brasil).
General Content
You can find out more about the Forland Project here.