Forest caterpillar hunter (FCH, Calosoma sycophanta) is a voracious predator of oak processionary moth (OPM, Thaumetopoea processionea) larvae across Europe where several countries use this beetle as a biocontrol agent to control OPM populations.
Distribution records indicate there were small localised populations of FCH present in the south of the UK before the arrival of OPM. This project will look at the feasibility of reintroducing FCH to areas of the UK where OPM are present to provide an additional option to control OPM populations.
This project is ongoing, collaborators in Belgium have recently been successfully bred and released FCH in Belgium as a biological control for OPM. Once the previous status of Calosoma sycophanta has been confirmed, we could potentially use this as a model project to assess the feasibility for releases in the UK in the future.
Find out more about the EU LIFE Oak Processionary project which details how they are rearing and releasing Calosoma sycophanta to control OPM.
Breeding and releasing the forest caterpillar hunter – LIFE Oak Processionary Project
Molecular Scientist
Head of Tree Health - Entomology