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How should Europe drive forward the development of urban and peri-urban forests?


Key Action 12 of the 2007-2011 European Union Forest Action Plan (EUFAP) proposed to “explore the potential of urban and peri-urban forests.” As a contribution to this work, the European Commission Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) invited Forest Research and the Forestry Commission to co-host a workshop to review experiences and practices in this field and share knowledge about the benefits of these forests to climate change, biodiversity, urban development and urban regeneration.

Workshop outputs and conclusions

The outcomes of the workshop, including recommendations, were presented to the European Commission Standing Forestry Committee on 18th February 2011.


Funding and partners

Preparation and participation of Forest Research funded by the Forestry Commission Attendance of workshop delegates funded by the EU.


Amy Stewart



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