REINFFORCE experiment data explorer
Explore results from five additional REINFFORCE experiments assessing tree species for UK forestry in a changing climate in our interactive data explorer.
Explore results from five additional REINFFORCE experiments assessing tree species for UK forestry in a changing climate in our interactive data explorer.
REINFFORCE stands for REsource INFrastructure for monitoring and adapting European Atlantic FORests under a Changing climatE, and is a European project to pool the capacity of 12 research institutes from the UK, France, Spain and Portugal.
In 2012, these institutes set up a latitudinal gradient of 38 experiments, stretching from the Azores in Portugal up to the Island of Mull in Scotland to understand how different species and provenances might grow under both current and future climates across this latitudinal gradient.
To compliment this core network of 38 sites, we also established an additional five fully replicated experiments as an extension to the main REINFFORCE project to understand which species may be best placed to diversify UK forestry under a changing climate.
The initial results from these experiments were recently published, and the data explorer tool allows you to explore the data and results from these five replicated experiments interactively.
Click on any of the five locations on the map below to see specific information about each of the five experimental sites.
Use the drop-down menus in the panels below the map to filter by experiment, species, provenance and age to explore the first six years of height and survival data from these five experiments and see which species/provenances are performing better than others.
Within species: use this row of panels to compare both average and individual tree height data, or annual survival data between replicate plots within a single experiment for a species or provenance of interest, at a given age or over time.
Between provenance: use this row of panels compare tree height between different provenances of the same species, in a selected experiment, at a given age.
Between experiments: use this row of panels compare average tree height of a selected species between experiments.