Sitka spruce is the main conifer species grown in Great Britain and the commercial wood products’ industry is primarily based on this species. Wood from Sitka spruce is sawn into timber for use in construction, pallets/packaging and fencing, and is also used in the production of paper and panel products. Research into the wood properties and performance of products made from Sitka spruce has been undertaken in Great Britain for almost 90 years by a number of organisations and the results from this research are contained in many published and unpublished sources.
This report collates and synthesises this research and is written for forest scientists, engineers, wood processors, and end users of wood products who are seeking a better understanding of the material properties and potential end uses of Sitka spruce. It is divided into three parts: (1) the origins of Sitka spruce, its introduction into Great Britain and its growth and management in this country; (2) Sitka spruce wood properties, including wood anatomy, general wood structure, and physical and mechanical properties; and (3) an overview of the end products that are currently produced from Sitka spruce or that could potentially be produced in the future.