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266 Search Results

  • Publications

    Dothistroma literature (A-C)

    A list of all literature available (updated to December 2015) about Dothistroma in alphabetical order (A to C)
  • Research

    Ecology and Pathology of Ash Dieback Disease

    This project investigated the factors that influence infection by the ash dieback pathogen (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) and the long-term outcomes for affected ash trees.
  • Publications

    Solving how a complex disease threatens our iconic oak

    Lead Author: Sandra Denman
    Scientists have for the first time tracked down the cause of the stem bleeding symptoms of acute oak decline.
  • Research


    Neurostresspep explores the use of insect neuropeptide hormones for controlling pest insects; Forest Research is investigating whether these naturally occurring compounds can be used in forest management to reduce damage by pine weevil (Hylobius abietis).
  • Publications

    Microbiome and infectivity studies reveal complex polyspecies tree disease in Acute Oak Decline

    Teamwork between Forest Research, Bangor University and others has for the first time, tracked down the cause of the stem bleeding symptoms of acute oak decline (AOD). Using the latest scientific methods they have revealed a multi-bacterial cause of the stem bleeding and pioneered novel methods for analysing the causes of complex plant diseases. AOD is […]
  • Publications

    Pitch Canker Field guide

    Lead Author: Forest Research
    Field guide This document details signs and symptoms of the named tree pest(s) or disease(s) and provides advice on what to do if you suspect the pest or disease is present. Related pages Research and advice on tree pests and diseases Tree Health Diagnostic and Advisory Service Tree pest and disease posters
  • Publications

    Pine pitch canker – Pest Alert

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    Pine pitch canker, also known as pitch or pitch pine canker, is a serious canker disease of pines and Douglas fir caused by the fungus Fusarium circinatum. The disease affects trees in planted forests, nurseries, parks and gardens. In plantations, the disease leads to reduced growth and cone yield and can kill trees. It will […]
  • Research

    PRotect Oak Ecosystems (PuRpOsE)

    This project is providing understanding of the current and future health threats to native oaks in the UK. It is focussing on Acute Oak Decline (AOD).
  • Publications

    Ecological impacts of ash dieback and mitigation methods

    Lead Author: Alice Broome
    Ash is a widespread species which makes a substantial contribution to many landscapes. Ash trees are affected by ash dieback, a disease caused by a fungus. It is clear from the European experience of the disease that a significant number of ash trees could be lost from woodlands in the UK over the course of […]
  • Research

    SCALEFORES: Scaling Rules For Ecosystem Service Mapping

    We are working with Southampton University and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology to develop and test novel modelling frameworks to explore the drivers of ecosystem services at different spatial scales in order to predict and map their delivery.
  • Publications

    Observatree: Key lessons. Qualitative study of the ‘Observatree’ citizen science project

    Study evaluating the experiences of participants of Observatree, a Tree Health Early Warning System which engages volunteers in surveying for tree pests and diseases, thereby supporting efforts to protect woodlands and forests.
  • Research


    The SAPPHIRE project uses data from earth observation satellites to produce effective tree-health mapping and assessment tools for plant health practitioners.