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176 Search Results

  • Publications

    [Archive] Nursery practice

    Lead Author: J.R.Aldhous
    This Bulletin summarises results gained from the extensive programme of experiments and enquiries carried out by the Forestry Commission’s Research Division, from its inception in 1919 until the year 1970, together with the practical experience obtained in the large-scale raising of planting stocks for the national afforestation programme.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Conifer wooly aphids (Adelgidae) in Britain

    Lead Author: C.I. Carter
    This investigation has been mainly confined to providing descriptions for the identification of the various winged morphs of the adelgid species occurring in Britain. Morphological keys and descriptions, together with 32 figures, are given for the determination of the 14 winged morphs of the 9 species having alatae. In addition, a key to the adult […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Blue stain (FC Leaflet 53 – 1966)

    This Leaflet describes briefly the effects of blue stain on the wood of coniferous trees.
  • Publications

    [Archive] The great spruce bark beetle

    Lead Author: J.M.B. Brown
    The insect Dendroctonus micans, a bark beetle that is found in North West Europe, has for long been held, by forest entomologists, to constitute a potential threat to coniferous plantations in Great Britain, although it is not yet established here. Accordingly, in June 1964, Mr D. Bevan, the Commission’s senior forest entomologist, and Mr J.M.B. […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Experiments on nutrition problems in forest nurseries – Volume 2 (supporting tables)

    Lead Author: Blanche Benzian
    This second volume of information related to experiments on nursery nutrition contains a full statement of the detailed results for each individual experiment discussed in volume 1. The detailed tabular statements are grouped into several parts: A. General, B. Seedbeds, C. Transplants, Appendix and Supplementary Tables.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Experiments on nutrition problems in forest nurseries – Volume 1

    Lead Author: Blanche Benzian
    This Bulletin is an account of the nursery experimental work on nutrition carried out between 1945 and 1962 by a joint research effort between staff of the Rothamsted Experimental Station and the Research Branch of the Forestry Commission.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Principal butt rots of conifers

    Lead Author: R.J. Gladman
    This booklet is planned as a forester’s guide to the recognition of the three most common and damaging decays of standing conifers in Great Britain. The fungi that cause these rots are the basidiomycetes Heterobasidion annosum (formerly known as Fomes annosus), Armillaria mellea, and Polyporus schweinitzii. They are primary root rotting organisms, infection usually beginning in the […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Rabbit control in woodlands

    Lead Author: E.V. Rogers
    This Booklet includes all the practical methods of controlling and killing rabbits in this country. Much has been written on the rabbit as the quarry of the sportsman and poacher and it is upon their experience the author has had to draw. Neither of these have the extermination of the rabbit as their aim, but […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Needle-cast of pine (FC Leaflet 48 – 1964)

    Lophodermium pinastri is the fungus most commonly associated with needle-cast of pines.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Resin-top disease of Scots pine (FC Leaflet 49 – 1964)

    Information on resin-top disease of Scots pine
  • Publications

    [Archive] Grey mould in forest nurseries (FC Leaflet 50 – 1964)

    This Leaflet discusses the disease and development of grey mould, tree species affected and control measures.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Keithia disease of thuja plicata (FC Leaflet 43 – 1963)

    This Leaflet describes the history of the fungus, disease symptoms and control measures of Keithia disease of thuja plicata in Western red ceder in Britain