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775 Search Results

  • Publications

    Choosing stand management methods for restoring planted ancient woodland sites

    Lead Author: Ralph Harmer
    The restoration of plantations on ancient woodland sites (PAWS) to native woodland communities is a challenging objective that requires more management input than simply re-creating a stand of site native species. All sites differ, and optimising the choice of methods thorough site assessment is necessary before restoration starts. Where there is evidence of valuable remnants […]
  • Research

    Opportunity mapping – targeting woodland creation for water objectives

    Opportunity mapping has been developed to help identify these locations and promote more integrated catchment management.
  • Research

    Forest Management Adaptation (AdaFor) 2013 -2015

    Details of the Forest Management Adaption project working to ensure forests are sustainable in the future
  • Research

    Furthering the use of English wood products in a range of markets

    This project is a Defra-funded contract aimed at developing an evidence base for understanding the behavioural, cultural, physical and economic barriers which may be limiting the use of wood products (focusing on English production) in a range of markets
  • Publications

    Managing public safety on harvesting sites

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    Everyone involved in forestry work has health and safety duties and responsibilities. This Practice Note provides guidance to help landowners, forest managers and forestry practitioners manage public safety on harvesting sites. Forest operations are high-risk activities, and the management issues involved in harvesting and hauling timber while maintaining public access to forests and woodlands can […]
  • Publications

    Choosing Sitka spruce planting stock

    Lead Author: Steve Lee
    Over 90% of the Sitka spruce planted in Britain today is from ‘improved’ planting stock, which is predicted to produce around 25% more timber at final rotation, compared with material imported from the Pacific North West. Forest managers have a choice of improved stock: seedlings raised from seed collected in orchards established around 25 years […]
  • Publications

    Fence marking to reduce grouse collisions

    Lead Author: Roger Trout
    Collisions with fences can be a significant source of mortality for woodland birds such as capercaillie and black grouse. The construction of new fencing to protect woodland and trees in habitats supporting these two grouse species should be minimised, and the fences removed as soon as management objectives have been achieved. Fences that are necessary […]
  • Research

    Literature review: behaviour and behavioural change

    This page is summarises Forest Research’s review of the latest research and practice regarding behaviour and behavioural change.
  • Publications

    Forestry Facts & Figures 2012

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This booklet contains a summary of statistics about woodland and forestry.Please note – the printed version of this document is an A2 sheet folded to A6. The PDF of the document is set to print at A3 therefore some of the pages will appear upside down.
  • Publications

    Marginal abatement cost curves for UK forestry

    Lead Author: Gregory Valatin
    Comparing the cost-effectiveness of different climate change mitigation measures is essential in minimising the cost of meeting national greenhouse gas reduction targets. The costs of different measures and their potential to reduce emissions or sequester greenhouse gases can be depicted using a Marginal Abatement Cost Curve. Previous studies have shown that UK forestry measures are […]
  • Publications

    Managing deadwood in forests and woodlands

    Lead Author: Jonathan W Humphrey
    Deadwood is a vital component of a properly functioning forest ecosystem. It plays an important role in sustaining biodiversity and in delivering ecosystem services such as soil formation and nutrient cycling. In the UK up to a fifth of woodland species depend on dead or dying trees for all or part of their life cycle […]
  • Publications

    Natural regeneration in western hemlock plantations on ancient woodland sites

    Lead Author: Ralph Harmer
    During the 20th century large areas of ancient semi-natural woodland were converted to conifer plantations, creating sites now termed PAWS (Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites). Restoration of these sites to native woodland is a current objective of forestry policy throughout Great Britain. Natural regeneration is often regarded as the preferred method for restocking PAWS but […]