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285 Search Results

  • Publications

    Peatland afforestation in the UK and consequences for carbon storage

    Lead Author: T.J. Sloan
    Peatlands are a globally significant store of carbon During the second half of the 20th century new planting techniques combined with tax incentives encouraged commercial forestry across large areas of peat bog in the UK, particularly in the Flow Country of northern Scotland. Such planting was controversial and was ultimately halted by removal of the tax […]
  • Publications

    Cryptic genetic variation and adaptation to waterlogging in Caledonian Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris L.

    Exposure to a contrasting novel environment such as waterlogging under common garden conditions can trigger release of otherwise unobservable (cryptic) genetic variation. Under a flooding treatment, there was a greater increase in variability in Scots pine populations originating from drier sites in Scotland which likely reflects a relative absence of past selection. Under climate change this cryptic genetic variation may provide considerable potential to adapt.
  • Publications

    Getting to know the ‘friendly fungi’ associated with the roots of key timber species

    Lead Author: Nadia Barsoum
    Nadia Barsoum provides highlights of over 10 years of research shedding light on who’s who in the world of friendly fungi colonising tree roots.
  • Research

    Forestry and climate change mitigation

    Research to improve our understanding of how forests and woodlands can contribute to the carbon balance at both local and global scales
  • Research

    The origins of shake and drought crack in trees

    The soil conditions experienced by a growing tree are reproduced under controlled conditions. Fluid distributions with the tree are visualised using magnetic resonance imaging in order to identify stresses and determine if these are linked to drought cracking and shake.
  • Publications

    Timber, carbon and wind risk: towards an integrated model of optimal rotation length

    Lead Author: Vadim Saraev
    Modern forest management practice increasingly adopts an ecosystem services approach to account for the multiple benefits and objectives of forestry. It is also increasingly linked to climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies. In view of the priority given to these policy agendas, it is important that new models take an integrated approach to accounting for […]
  • Research

    Harvested Wood Products and Carbon Substitution

    This study reviews approaches to accounting for carbon storage and carbon substitution benefits of harvested wood products under existing carbon market standards, and considers how the UK Woodland Carbon Code - which at present covers climate change mitigation benefits of afforestation in terms of carbon sequestration, might be extended.
  • Research

    Climate Change Adaptation Demonstration

    Establishment of climate change adaptation demonstration areas in Alice Holt Forest.
  • Publications

    Assessing the investment returns from timber and carbon in woodland creation projects

    Lead Author: Richard Haw
    Financial returns from woodland creation have traditionally been generated from sales of timber. In recent years, the voluntary carbon market has established and grown in the UK and landowners can now generate additional revenue from the sale of carbon. The sale of carbon ‘credits’ allows landowners to increase their financial returns by creating woodlands for […]
  • Publications
  • Research

    SCALEFORES: Scaling Rules For Ecosystem Service Mapping

    We are working with Southampton University and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology to develop and test novel modelling frameworks to explore the drivers of ecosystem services at different spatial scales in order to predict and map their delivery.
  • Research

    Putting UK woodland bats on the map

    We are working with Bat Conservation Trust to develop and trial a national citizen science field survey scheme and species distribution modelling framework for UK woodland bats.